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I practically ran over to Grayson as the ambulances began to drive away. Talk about scarce on the details, we had to explain why our friend was covered in dirt and had oxygen deprivation in a cemetery.

"I have to go. You need to go home and rest." I ordered him as I continued my walk past him. "Larce told us what he was making you do before he nailed me in that wooden hell," He started and grabbed my arm to stop me from walking away.

"Why were you here? After everything I've done and said to hurt you in the past few months?" He asked me with pure confusion on his face.

"I don't have time for this Gray. I have to go get Ethan before he's pumped full of lead." I responded shortly as I tore my arm from his hand and began walking toward my car.

I picked up my phone and dialed Theo's number. "What could you possibly want?" He whined on the other end of the phone, causing me to smile even though I was far from joy.

"I was calling to see how everything was on the homefront. I got Grayson, it's a long story," I added the last part because I know how worried he was about the both of them.

"I'm holding the fort down, did you think any less of me?" He asked sarcastically, and I could literally see the stupid grin on his face just from hearing his voice.

"Of course not. Well, I have to go, I have a longish drive ahead of me." I said back to him. "Please be safe," He pleaded through the phone.

"I always am." I responded. "That's the overstatement of the year," He teased me, causing me to roll my eyes. If he saw me doing it I know he would have a smart comment. 'If you keep rolling your eyes they'll come out of your head.'

That's what he used to tell me last summer. "I will, I promise." I laughed at him and promised. "Okay, I made dinner for when you guys get back. I love you," He told me, making me smile.

"I love you too." I said back before hanging up and bringing my focus back to the road.

The trip to get Ethan was a long and silent one. I called for back up but with Theo still in hiding, Ryan and Elena being on the verge of parenthood, and Grayson literally coming back to life today, I came up short-handed.

I arrived at a cluster of old buildings. It seemed like an old abandoned neighborhood of some sort, but these houses look like they've been here for a very long time.

There was an old beaten down chapel sitting at the very end of the street. It was giving me a weird feeling.

I was carrying a variety of weapons on me this time. My bow, a pistol in my waistband, and a few hidden knives. Even with all this protection, I have fear dripping from my body with each step. I almost feel like Larce can smell it.

I passed a few beaten-down shacks before I came across one that had fresh boot prints and what appeared to be drag marks lining the dirt.

This one was a bigger building. The metal surrounding it was rusty and peeling from the walls. My grip on my bow tightened as I tiptoed inside.

Hazel is searching the different buildings too. She said Grayson forced her to bring him along, but I wish she would have just locked him in the car.

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