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I didn't sleep well at all last night. What I did keeps racing through my head. Grayson and I kissed. I kissed Ethan's brother. Grayson kissed me, I kissed back. No matter which way I put the words it keeps getting worse.

I sat up on my bed and squinted and the sun shining through the blinds. I stood up and began making the mess I call a bed. Tossing and turning really does take a toll on the physical appearance of my blankets and pillows.  

As I slid my pillow back, my hand brushed against a thin paper-like object. I furrowed my brows before tearing my pillow away from my headboard. 

It was a small envelope with my name written across the paper. I debated on opening it, it's usually a threat, or something mortel related.

I sat down on my bed and slowly tore open the thick paper. I opened the folded paper nervously and began scanning over the black ink.


I'm sorry about what happened to your dad. I never knew that was going to happen. I'm sorry for everything. 

The letter was short, but I immediately recognized the handwriting. Why would Ethan be apologizing about what happened? He seemed as though he couldn't dig up a fuck to give for me, but now this?

He's still in there, my Ethan is still in there. My mind instantly took itself back to last night. Ethan just dumped an 'I'm still here' symbol on my bed.

  I kissed his brother last night! The guilt was flooding through me like a dam full of water that caved. 


"Hey, Luna, what's up?" I answered my phone as my mother called. "I dropped something off at the compound. It was from your dad, not even I have looked through it," She spoke quickly when she mentioned him. I could tell she was hurting from all of this. 

"I'll make sure to grab it, I'm on my way there now actually," I responded as I turned the corner of this sharp road. 

"It must be something important. It was more protected than anything I've ever seen." She responded, causing me to nod against my phone. "Got it," 

"Also, Luna, if you ever need anything I'm here for you," I spoke quietly into the phone. Neither one of us are good at emotions, but I don't want her to feel alone

"Thanks, Alex." She responded before hanging up. I pulled into the long driveway of the mansion before getting out and heading for the door.

"Hey Parker," I heard a voice as soon as I stepped in. "Hey, Theo," I smiled as I shut the door behind me. 

"Did you grab a-" I began to ask about the stuff Luna was talking about, but he cut me off. "My room, shh!" He whisper yelled at me, causing me to raise my hands confusingly. 

I followed him upstairs to his room and saw a box sitting on his bed unopened. "This doesn't need to be public knowledge. The fewer people that know the better," He raised his eyebrows at me, making me cross my arms.

"So, what? You just volunteered yourself to be one of the few?" I tilted my head at him, but he just rolled his eyes in a very Theo like manner. 

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