Only time will tell.

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I smoothed the white dress over with the palm of my clammy, very shaky hands. I slipped my cap and gown on and stared at myself in the mirror. 

I don't know why this moment feels so surreal. Maybe it's because I've almost died several times and never thought I would actually make it to this moment. 

I heard a knock at my door causing me to walk slowly in my heels over to open it. Grayson was standing there in his button-up and dress pants.

"Hi, Gray." I smiled as I opened the door for him to come into my room. I was gathering my bag to leave. 

"Thank you Alex." He spoke up out of nowhere, causing me to turn around. "For?" I asked him. 

"I wouldn't be preparing to walk across the stage if it wasn't for you. Hell, I wouldn't be breathing if it wasn't for you." He continued as he walked over to me.

"I would do anything for you." I responded quietly, seeing a little bit of red begin to prick at his cheeks. 

"I haven't been able to tell you I was sorry about Theo." He tilted his head to the side as he apologized. I nodded silently at him and tried to ignore the thought of Theo not being able to graduate.

Before I realized it, Grayson pulled me in for a hug. I didn't have to energy to fight the sudden embrace, I simply accepted it and hugged him back tightly. 

I stayed there for longer than I should have. "I'm glad you're standing here right now. You scared me so bad in the cemetery." I admitted as I felt his hand rubbing in circles on my back. 

"I guess the universe wasn't finished with me yet," He laughed as we pulled away from each other. "I wasn't either." I smiled at him before he cleared his throat and stepped away.

"I should go help Jackson with his tie, he's not very good at it." He laughed as he backed out of my room. I nodded as I watched him disappear from my doorway. 

I silently prepped myself mentally before I grabbed my bag and began heading out.

I looked around at all the graduates standing outside conversing with each other. This is, this is just crazy

I feel like it was just yesterday I was pulling the boys out of school because they were so high, or the first time Ethan ever held my hand in school. 

This place holds so many memories, it's so hard to walk away from it all. I feel like I'm leaving my last bit of childhood behind. 

"Can you believe it?" Hazel asked as everyone started showing up around me. Landon, Hagen, Jackson, and finally Ethan and Grayson. 

"No, I honestly can't believe we actually made it to this point," I admitted out loud. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to blow this popsicle stand," Landon spoke enthusiastically causing people we weren't even talking to cheer behind us. 

Ethan made his way over to me and placed his hand in mine. "I'm nervous," He admitted shakily, causing me to giggle a little. Ethan? Nervous?

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