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Day of Prom

I had to get a different dress for prom. Crimson saw the one I was trying on, so Theo said I wouldn't be as noticeable if I got one he hasn't seen. Theo can't even go to prom, if someone that Crimson knows shows up and sees him, he's as good as dead.

 It's a masquerade theme, maybe luck is on my side by the whole mask aspect. "Everything is set for tonight. All the decorations are perfect, everything has to be-" Hazel spoke to me, but she was speaking so fast I couldn't keep up.

"Hazel, I'm sure it will be fine," I reassured her, placing my hands on the side of her arms gently. She nodded slowly, taking a deep breath in. She's been working so hard on this, I know it will be perfect.

I closed my locker and leaned against it. "Have you and Grayson made up yet?" She asked, pretending to look down at her nails. I rolled my eyes at her and tilted my head back. 

"It was one argument," I laughed, causing her to look up slowly. "Morning, Jack," I smiled, seeing him walking in our direction.

"Do you have a date for tonight?" I asked. Seeing that it's our last prom, I figured he would. "No, actually. I don't want to be tied down tonight," He smirked, causing Hazel to fake gag.

"It's more of a mission for me, so I just have to dress nice and look out for my biological father," I responded sarcastically. Luna told me everything.

Apparently my father has a close friend that's a teacher here. Since he escaped from Larce, he needs assistance to leave town ASAP. I don't know if he got out when Larce died, or if someones after him? 

"How are you doing with that by the way?" Jackson asked, causing me to shrug. "Well, It would be nice to meet him. I've heard so many good things about him. Compared to me thinking Larce was my father, it would be a breath of fresh air to not be the daughter of a psycho killer, so." I responded, not really sounding like I care all that much.

I saw Grayson walking in our direction with a wide smile on his face, which is very odd for him. "Morning?" I spoke to him, but it sounded more like a question. 

He pulled a white rose out from behind his back and held it out for me. Jackson's eyes went wide and Hazel looked like she was going to scream.

"Alexandra Reign Parker, will you be my date to prom?" Grayson asked with a smooth smile on his face. People were starting to gather around and it made me really uncomfortable. 

"What are you doing?" I whispered so that only he could hear me. He fluttered his eyes at me like a girl which made me laugh.

"We don't have all day, prom is in a few hours," He joked, sending me another smile. "Uh, sure?" I agreed, unsure of myself. "Fantastic," He smirked as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. 

I cleared my throat and backed away a little. "Okay, shows over get to class," Grayson yelled enthusiastically.

After everyone walked away I grabbed Grayson's arm and dragged him towards a more secluded area. "What the hell was that?" I asked.

"I needed a prom date and so did you," He shrugged nonchalantly. "Try again," I responded, crossing my arms over my chest.

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