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We got to the gym door, but I was hesitant about going inside. I stopped in front of the door and looked inside at all of the people. Their faces were covered in masks, and everyone's attire looked amazing. 

"It will be okay," Grayson smiled, in an attempt to reassure my anxious persona. I took a deep breath and nodded at his comment. He held out his arm for me to take, so I took it. 

We walked through the open doors and the music filled my ears. "You like?" Hazel practically ran up to us enthusiastically. "I love it, actually," I responded with a smile. Everything was drenched in black and gold, it looked so elegant. She really did a good job. 

"Who's this?" I asked, referring to the girl standing beside Hazel. She looked nervous, which made me feel bad. "This is my girlfriend, Karsyn," Hazel responded, holding her hands together like she was nervous too. I was holding back my excitement for Hazel, I didn't want to freak her girlfriend out. 

"I'm Alex, it's nice to meet you Karsyn." I smiled, holding out my hand for her to take. "Nice to meet you," She smiled, taking my hand gently. 

"Grayson," He spoke beside me as he shook her hand too. "How's everyone doing tonight?" We heard a loud, but oh so familiar voice from the front of the gym. 

"Oh god," Grayson groaned, placing his face in his hand. Landon was standing on stage, appearing to have stolen the DJ's mic.

"This next song is dedicated to all of the memories we've made in this dreadful place. I love you guys!" He yelled enthusiastically as he handed the microphone back. Everyone cheered for him as he jumped off the stage. 

Song - I lived by One Republic

"That wasn't planned, was it?" I laughed, looking at Hazel's semi-angry expression. "He's just lucky I like this song," She smiled briefly before taking her girlfriend's hand and walking away.

"You look beautiful like usual," Jackson appeared out of nowhere. "You look amazing too jack," I smiled. He was wearing a suit close to Grayson's. Just a black tie instead of a bow tie. 

"But Grayson, he looks hot," Jackson joked, hitting Grayson's shoulder playfully. "Doesn't he Alex?" Jackson tilted his head at me. Grayson smacked his chest, signaling for him to shut up.

"He looks handsome," I responded, smiling at him. "Well, that's my cue. Time for me to find a hot one night stand," He spoke, before jogging away.

"Have they all been drinking already?" I asked, shaking my head at Landon and Jackson's behavior.

"Landon doesn't need alcohol to act like that," Grayson laughed and I did the same. I breathed in deeply and began looking around. I don't know what my father really looks like. Luna showed me a picture of him from when they were young but his looks could have changed drastically over time.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Grayson asked, stepping in front of me. "I'm nervous, if I'm being honest," I admitted. "Clear your head for a second. All gang-related stuff aside, this is our senior prom. This is a night we'll remember forever." He spoke more seriously, causing me to nod.

"You're right," I responded. "When am I not," He joked, trying to lighten the mood. A slow song began playing, causing a smirk to cover his lips.

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