Chapter 2: Past Event

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A/n: Here we go. Next update will be for the Mail Man. And for no confusion, if it's a single quote that means Rinzler is talking in Sign Language, if it's italicized then that's him and others thinking.

3rd PoV:

A week had past and Rinzler was still unconscious in the medical bay. Kali and Wamai were there sitting next to him.

Wamai: "Come on, brother. You need to get up."

Rinzler starts to twitch and his head begins to move. He stops and is stationary again and still unconscious.

??: 'Too bad... So sad.'

Rinzler: 'Who is she?'

Rinzler is in a dream, replaying the event that happened a week ago and he analyzes the attacker's face. A few seconds later, he shoots up, startling Kali and Wamai.

Wamai: "He is up. I will inform Rainbow's Doctor."

Wamai gets up and rushes to get Doc and inform him on the news. Kali was looking at Rinzler and he tried to take off the bandages on his face.

Kali: "No. Keep them on until the medical personnel arrive."

Rinzler stops and lays back on his bed. He quietly growls and Doc stepped into the medical room and inspects Rinzler. He begins to take off the bandages on his head and the three see the damage that happened on his face. His left eye was more exposed than his right and two scars going across his left eye and one up from his lip. He had burns on his cheeks.

Rinzler's throat was being a nuisance and he was trying to rub it, but Doc stopped him.

Gustave: "I wouldn't recommend doing that. It'll mess up your throat and breathing."

Doc puts Rinzler's hands down and helps him stand on his feet.

Gustave: "I recommend gargling water and salt. You can still do basic functions, minus the talking."

Rinzler: 'What is next?'

Gustave: "I recommend exercises for the throat and sign language with Specialist Hibana. I noticed that you are still having trouble forming the words, so this would be helpful for you."

See Doc, that's gonna complicate things right there.

Kali brought Rinzler his balaclava, but it also had a visor on it. He takes it from her and puts it on.

Kali: "Keep it on. Infrared and Spectrum, just like the one before."

Rinzler: 'Thank you.'

He walks out of the medical room and the three others follow. He looked around the hallway of the base. The rest of the operators don't know that Rinzler was on base.

Rinzler: 'Can I go back to Headquarters?'

Kali: "For a few days, yes. We'll head there right away. Then you could pack, because you're staying here."

Rinzler does a single motion nod and the three walk out to the heli pad. The pilot takes off to Nighthaven HQ. God knows where.

-Timeskip Couple Hours- IDK

The heli approached the HQ and landed on the heli pad. Rinzler immediately took off to his room in the base.

Rinzler: 'Home.'

It was night time and Rinzler fell asleep on his bed. He had slept for a day and today was his day were he would transfer to Hereford. Kali knocked on his door and he opened it.

Kali: "Before you go, I have a mission for you. Our scouts found a hideout near the incident. I want you and two others to check it out."

Rinzler nodded and sheathed his sword. He made sure his guns were good and he made his way to the heli.

Pilot: "Are you three buckled in?!"

Trooper: "We're ready. Take flight!"

The pilot takes off to the crash site that happened a week ago. Rinzler thinks back to the event and tries to remember what the woman looks like. After the hours passed, the pilot arrived at the site and the three unload.

Rinzler: 'Follow close. You know the drill.'

Trooper: "Yes, sir."

The three of them walk passed the site, the helicopter was gone but burn marks were still present and there was a small crater where it crashed. They walked until they heard voices. Rinzler and the troops hid in the bushes and crawled slowly and quietly, it was night time so the figures couldn't detect them easily.

They see two people in gear, they were armed as well. What caught Rinzler off guard was that they weren't wearing white masks, only red and black camouflage. They walked towards where the group was hiding and Rinzler immediately took action and shot one while stabbing the other with his sword.

Trooper: "These guys, they look different. We should be close to the base."

Rinzler nods and the three continued through the jungle. They walked for almost a half hour until they stumbled upon a structure in the distance. The base was heavily guarded by the mysterious troopers, who were well armed and had turrets around the corners of the base.

Trooper: "Holy shit. This is going to be difficult."

Rinzler: 'Wait for them to split up. Take them one by one, patience is a virtue.'

Trooper: "Rinzler, I think you were made for this..."

Rinzler growls and crawls on the ground, being sure to be camouflaged by the tall grass and bushes. He sees a militia trooper and decapitates him. He drags the body into the jungle and continues on. He sees another coming towards him and he hides in the shadows. The time came and he grabbed the trooper and covered his mouth. He cuts his throat with his knife and drags his body into the trees. One by one, the militia troopers started to fall, with the last one being startled.

Militia Trooper: "Where are you?!"

Rinzler tackled him and stabs his throat with his knife. The two Nighthaven troopers followed Rinzler.

Trooper: "We've deactivated the turrets. Let's head inside."

Rinzler and the two troopers entered the base and they activated their infrared to see better. It was averaged and had a few corridors. Some soldiers were guarding the hallway and the troopers took them out. The three continued through the base and saw an empty room. The briefcase that Kali had was on the table and a trooper went to achieve it. When he touched the handles, a turret opens fire on him and be falls dead.

The light turn on and Rinzler and the last trooper were surrounded by the militia and the same woman from the crash site. Rinzler draws his sword out and the lady shakes her head.

??: "Put it away."

Rinzler still had his sword out and was ready to attack the remaining militia soldiers. The trooper with Rinzler puts his gun on the ground and a soldier went to restrain him. Before the soldier cuffs him, Rinzler intercepted and sliced at his hand. He then jumps and flips while taking out his duel MP7 and opened fire on the remaining soliders, maneuvering around to be a hard target. The lady stepped in and shot at Rinzler but he ducked in time and tried to shoot her but he runs out of ammo.

The trooper shoots at a soldier but gets shot by the woman while Rinzler was behind a flipped table. He sees his body fall and he gets out of cover and shoots at the remaining soldiers and gets back into cover.

??: "Why don't you talk? Cat got your tongue?"

Rinzler growls and throws his knife at her but another man came and hits it away with his sword. He was in front of the two and the lady smiled and Rinzler was confused.

??: "Long time, no see, friend."

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