Chapter 22: The Great Baytown Fire

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3rd PoV:

Knight, Shane, Talon, Kobra, and Caroline were at the round, gridded table, showing a holographic 3D view of the Baytown Refinery Facility.

"Our final attack before Operation Troubled Paradise. The Baytown Refinery, any questions?"

"How much time do we have?" Carol asked.

"When we enter, we'll only have fifteen minutes, before the rotation of security. Talon and Kobra pose as security guards, get us in via grappling equipment, and we make haste towards the catalytic units to plant our explosives. Anything else?... Good. Let's move."

The five of them leave the room and head towards their transport helicopter. They load on and Knight shuts the sliding door, with Kobra sitting in the cockpit, and Knight joins him a few seconds later, and Kobra takes off towards Baytown, Texas.

Rinzler is sitting up on his bed, his helmet was off, and so was his balaclava. He rests his hand on his head, and seems frustrated. Keres walked in and looked at Rinzler, and the two locked eyes. Keres' mask was off, and revealed his face.

He had brown eyes, as opposed to Rinzler's blue eyes. He also had a relatively short beard, while Rinzler had no beard. The hair was about the only thing that was similar, shaven on the sides, a bit medium on top, but even then, Rinzler's color looked a bit lighter. Keres possessed a long scar over his right eye, and his eye was white, the same with Rinzler, but over his left eye, and he was still able to see out of both eyes. Rinzler had burns on his neck and by his ears, but not all over his face, like after the incident. He had a scar, diagonally left, from the top to the bottom of his lips. Another on his forehead, but right diagonal. Another two, one on each jawline.

"Your eye, what happened?" Rinzler asked.

"Carol." Nathan responds.

"Looks like she's on both of our blacklist." Rinzler sighs as he lays back.

"Something eating you up?" Nathan asked, walking towards Rinzler.

"Yes, but I don't know what. If it's what Knight is planning... or just myself." Rinzler responds, as he sits back up.

"Weird that he hasn't targeted Wall Street, I mean, if he really wanted to, it would hurt our economy."

"Maybe, or military installations. I mean, the National Guard would be ready for an attack on their mainland with their forts and bases."

"So many targets, even for a big militia like Knight's."

"Unless it's not just him."

Rinzler and Keres had been talking for hours, with a case of smuggled alcohol under his bed.

Kobra lands a two miles from Baytown and the five of them unload. It was midnight and they were moving fast.

"We plan this right and the fire should stretch to Sabine Pass, cause a massive chain of reaction, spread from the South to the East Coast." Knight states.

Shane sets a timer on his watch, and they continue towards Baytown. Time passes and the three of them, Shane, Knight, and Caroline wait for Talon and Kobra to toss over the grappling equipment from the inside.

They see it get tossed over and the three of them climb up, with Kobra bringing them over the wall. It all took two minutes, leaving them with thirteen left. Kobra and Talon were still in their guard outfits, so a few guards didn't pay much attention, just a simple head nod or wave, the other three had to hide, using beams, boxes, or the dark areas.

Five minutes passed and Knight, Shane, and Caroline start climbing the beams to get access to the catalytic units, while Talon and Kobra stand watch. Placing plastic explosives, they set a timer for five minutes, leaving them with a minute to get out of the Refinery before they go off.

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