Chapter 14: Escape!

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3rd PoV:

Cobra was dragging Rinzler by the leg, back into the cell and threw him in there.

Cobra: "Your turn."

Caroline walked inside the cell and went to punch Rinzler but he, for the first time, dodges, which caught her off guard, and punched her liver and jaw. She goes down and Cobra came in and twin kicks Rinzler. He helps Caroline up and she back kicks Rinzler in the sternum and he goes down. The two leave and Rinzler is on the ground, breathing heavily.

Rinzler: 'The day I get out, you're going to pay.'

He rests on the ground for a few minutes before Keira walked up to his cell with a trey that had a bottled water, a sandwich, and protein bar.

Keira: "The guard with the key will be here in five minutes, patrol won't come here until another hour."

Rinzler stayed quiet and tilted his head in confusion.

Keira: "Marcus and I can get you out of here. But we'll need to be quick. Meet me at the closet in the hallway, to your right."

Rinzler does a single motion nod and Keira leaves his cell to the Science Division. The guard came and stood in front of Rinzler's cell. He saw that the guard had a knife sheathed to his back waist and moved quietly to not be heard. Rinzler put his hand over his mouth as he unsheathed the knife and slice his throat. He gets the keys from the guard and unlocks his cell, making his way to the room Keira was in. Rinzler saw both Marcus and Keira, they were talking by the room.

Keira: "Good, you're here."

Marcus: "Now, getting out is the hard part. You need to be quick, we only have about an hour. There are vents that go below the base, behind me, but sense we're in the mountains, you'll have about fifteen to make it to the server room underneath the base. We'll meet you there."

Rinzler jolted for the vents and hopped inside. He quickly and quietly crawled under. The heater turned on and it was getting warm inside, he started to sweat and he still had more to go. He found it hard to keep his eyes open as the heat surrounded him, but he pushed through and eventually made it to the server room. He jumped down and landed on his feet quietly. Marcus and Keira were there with his holsters and weapons.

Rinzler puts his holsters on his back and sheathed his two swords. He grabbed his belt and holsters his two MP7s, sias, kunai, and pistol.

Marcus: "We have forty five minutes left. Download the data and head to the rec room, from there, the courtyard will be easy and hard at the same time."

Rinzler took the hard drive from Marcus and stuck it into a nearby terminal and began the download sequence. It took a few minutes, but it downloaded. After a few seconds, guards came and was accompanied by Knight.

Knight: "What do we have here? Oh, man, this is great. Give me the hard drive and you'll have a second chance."

Marcus: "Not today. I'm bringing this whole militia down, right on your fucking head, and it's going to be biblical."

Knight: "Kill them."

The Guards start shooting as Knight walks away. The three evades to cover and Rinzler shoots back and kills the guards. Rinzler tosses his pistol to Keira and MP7 to Marcus.

Marcus: "We need to move."

The three started working their way to the courtyard, shooting the alerted militiamen. They found the armory and Rinzler kicked down the door.

Marcus: "Gear up and continue!"

Keira grabbed a C7E, with a couple grenades, Marcus grabbed an Hk416 anx a few grenades, and Rinzler stook with his MP7s. Keira and Marcus put on custom SWAT armor, which had a red camouflage. They left the armory, better armed, and continued their way. They reached the courtyard and it was filled with the militiamen, along with Shane, Cobra, Raptor, Caroline, and Knight.

Knight: "You're surrounded! There's no way of survival this time! So go out with a bang!"

Rinzler: "You don't know what you're asking for."

Welp, Queue Bulls On Parade

The militia opens fire and the three ducked for cover. Marcus started shooting and Rinzler rushed, Keira found an LOS and opened fire. Rinzler jumps overhead and twirls, shooting his MP7s and killing a group. He landed on his feet and loads his mags at the same time. Rinzler started shooting again and Cobra showed up with the button, and he shot it, destroying it.

Cobra: "Well played."

Rinzler stood quiet and unsheathed his two swords, Cobra did the same and they started clashing it out. Keira was face to face with Caroline and Raptor.

Carol: "Hey friend."

Keira froze but Marcus shot at Raptor and Carol, the two rolled away and Raptor twirls his twin desert eagles and started shooting at the two. Marcus pulled Keira into cover and he fires at them. Carol shoots him in the leg and he rolls to cover. Before anything else could happen, Keres, Nøkk, Headhunter, Umbra, Thatcher, and Maverick arrived in an attack helicopter. They opened fire and mowed down the militiamen.

Keira helped Marcus run to the helicopters and Rinzler was behind, covering them. Thatcher dropped a rope down for the three and Marcus and Keira started climbing. They got up and Rinzler was still far from the heli.

Nathan: "Come on, Rinzler!"

He hanged upside down on the rope and started picking off the men, giving Rinzler time to run. The heli was far from where he needed to jump, but without hesitation, he jumped and he caught the rope but he started sliding down, and losing his grip.

Nathan: "No!"

Keres slides down the rope and caught Rinzler's forearm. Rinzler climbed on the rope and Keres was in the chopper, he held out his hand and Rinzler goes to grab it, it looked like he was going to make it.

But, all of a sudden, the rope was shot and Rinzler started falling before Keres could grab his hand. Knight had combined his pistols into his rifle and shot the rope.

Nathan: "Rinzler! No!"

Knight holsters his pistols and Cobra, Shane, Raptor, and Caroline looked. They couldn't see Rinzler as the mist covered him as he fell down the snowy mountains. The helicopter was already gone and on it's way back to Rainbow Headquarters.

A/N: So, it wasn't much of an escape but I always had the idea of Rinzler dying, and so... This is it... It's up to Keres now...

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