Chapter 6: Knight's Hire

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3rd PoV:

It was morning, but still dark, and Jäger arrives at the island a few miles away from the actual base, to not cause attention. The three load off and they start pursuing the base.

Nathan: "All right. Nøkk and I cause a distraction. Rinzler, you get Marcus. You need to go fast and quietly. Take this tranquilizer."

Rinzler nods and takes the syringe and  the three of them navigate through the forests. They hear chatter and they dive for the bushes, while Rinzler was high in the trees already. Keres nods and Rinzler jumps down on one of the White Masks while Keres stabbed the other in the throat. Rinzler swiftly snaps his neck and the two drag their bodies.

Nathan: "Nøkk, I'll give you the signal and you toss a frag. I'll be up in the trees and watch your back. Take these just in case."

Nøkk: "Okay. Let's get started."

Keres hands her some smoke pellets and he moves through the bushes and up a tree, overlooking the entire base. He gets his SR 25 ready and Nøkk is in position.

Nathan: "Three... Two... One... Now."

Nøkk throws a frag and it gets three of the White Masks. The others are alerted and she runs to a different spot. Keres takes out a few and reinforcements arrive, a few dozen more come out from the base.

Nathan: "It seems like they were more prepared."

Nøkk: "Rinzler is going to have to go now."

Nathan: "All right. Toss those smoke pellets."

Nøkk throws the pellets and smoke covers the White Masks line of sight. Rinzler quickly runs passed the action and enters the base. The White Masks inside are also alert and more vigilant after what's going on outside. Rinzler navigates through the base, sticking to the more unlit parts of the base.

Rinzler eventually came upon the R&D division of the base and saw a few of the workers. Marcus was on his work bench making a motherboard. A worker spills his beverage and messes up the motherboard.

Marcus: "You stupid idiot! This can't be on accident, you were well aware of your intentions! So you either tell me you're dumb as fuck, or you did this shit on purpose and you lose twenty years of your life!"

Worker: "I'm dumb as fuck, I'm sorry."

Marcus: "Now get the fuck out of here!"

The worker walks out of the division and passes Rinzler but doesn't notice him.

Rinzler: "This is going to complicate things."

Rinzler does his best to move closer towards Marcus, trying to stick to the unlit areas but The glass roof breaks and a dozen soldiers drop down. The workers flea and a group of White Masks came to try and assess the situation but were shot on sight. Rinzler was hiding in the dark places and saw as they took Marcus and knocked him unconscious.

Keres and Nøkk were hiding in the bushes while the troopers were mowing down the White Masks outside.  Rinzler came out the base, empty handed, and dives into the bushes to hide from the chaos. Keres and Nøkk caught up with Rinzler and they get to a safer point.

Nathan: "What happened?"

Rinzler just punches a nearby tree and growls, hurting his throat again.

Nathan: "He escaped? Son of a bitch. And we're going to have to break it down to Six."

The three get far from the base. Keres calls for extraction and Jäger pulls up after some time.

Marius: "Where's the target?"

Nathan: "A third party came and took him."

Marius: "Six is going to have a field day with this."

Nathan: "Oh, I'm sure of it."

The three sit down and Jäger flies back to Rainbow HQ. Rinzler falls asleep for the remainder of the flight.

(But where is HQ? Now that's life's biggest question)

Marcus was in a room, his face was covered by a sack and his hands were tied. He stays calm and Knight pulled off the sack and Marcus looks up at him.

Knight: "Marcus Fisher. Former Navy Seal, an expert techn-"

Marcus: "I'm going to have to stop you right there. What's this about, huh?"

Knight: "I want you to be my R&D director. Our former one had an accident, you could say."

Marcus: "What's in it for me. I hope you know I don't come cheap with the work I do."

Knight walks around Marcus with his hands behind his back. Marcus follows him with his head.

Knight: "Oh I don't know, about a million a month."

Marcus chuckles and smirks shortly after. Knight stopped in his tracks and was looking directly at Marcus.

Marcus: "Okay. All right. That'll be just fine. Fine by me. What do you need me to work on?"

Knight puts his hand on Marcus' shoulder and taps him.

Knight: "APCs, unmanned tanks, gunships, turrets, cloaking devices, transport helicopters. The list goes on. Blueprints are in the R&D station."

Marcus: "Well then, I better get started. It's going to be a whirlwind."

Knight unties Marcus and he moves his hands to get the feeling again. He gets up and walks towards the door.

Knight: "Oh, and soon, I'm getting you a partner for some toxins that I want created. It'll be soon."

Marcus nods and Knight shows him around the base. They reach the R&D station and Marcus takes a look at the many blueprints and immediately gets to work.

Rinzler, Keres, and Nøkk were in the debrief room laying the news to Six. He sounded frustrated but soon got his posture.

Six: "Okay. All is not lost. Tomorrow, you three will get another White Mask worker, well, scientist. If I'm correct, she's making toxins for them."

Nathan: "All right. Let's hope it doesn't end in a cluster fuck."

Six: "You are dismissed."

The three walk out of the room and Rinzler walks to Hibana's dorm. Keres and Nøkk follow and Rinzler knocks.

Nøkk: "What is he doing?"

Nathan: "Daily exercises, Doc had him go through it. And that growl he did back there, fucks up his throat."

Hibana opens the door and welcomes Rinzler inside. She gets the tea ready and Rinzler sits down on the ground. Keres and Nøkk stood back. Hibana comes back with the tea and Rinzler drinks it and the two begin their session.

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