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Violet had a hard time sleeping. She was woken up early in the morning by really loud music playing in the living room. She stood up and put a bathrobe on - she always slept naked - then walked out of the room. Pearl was playing the music on her computer, her headphones still on. She didn't even notice Violet yet until she tapped her shoulder. Pearl took the headphones off in shock. She paused the music and Violet let out a sigh of relief.

- Did I wake you up? - Pearl asked - I completely forgot you were here. I tend to assume that everyone wakes up as early as me. I'm an eary bird.

Violet was about to chuckle in amusement. She definitely didn't look woken up.

- Don't worry. I'm going to take a shower and then I'll make breakfast. - she was determined to be as nice and likeable as possible.

- Oh, I had breakfast a few hours ago. You have fresh towels in the bathroom. - Violet went back to the room and soon the music was playing again. She was going to have a headache if it continued, but she wouldn't complain. After all, she was still a rule-follower, her transformation was slow.

After she had taken a warm shower and put on one of her shirt she felt way better. When she looked in the mirror she still recognize her high-school being that she hated so much. It would be a lie if I said that she wasn't disappointed by her lack of changes. She somehow expected a radical transformation, a new feeling of freedom, and yet she still felt so constrained by society.

When she walked out of the bathroom she found a bowl of cereals and she smiled. Pearl didn't seem like a lot of fun, but at least she was kind. The blonde woman emerged from her room with an expression that almost ressembled an amused smirk.

- Playboy, huh? Kinky. - Violet looked down. She suddenly realized that putting that up was a big mistake. She had just ruined her façade. - I didn't have you for that kind of girl. But again, we met yesterday.

Violet continued eating in silence. She was hoping it would be time to go to work soon, as she was feeling kind of uncomfortable. She wasn't any "kind of girl". She was just Violet and she was highly insecure. But Pearl didn't go away, to the contrary, she sat down by her side. At least she wasn't really talkative, she still had her headphones on - did she ever take them off? - and started looking through her phone. Without even looking up, she said:

- I'm going to a party with some friends tonight. Will you come with me? They want to meet my flatmate. - Violet shrugged. She didn't want to go, she had never been a party girl, but she didn't wanted to seem rude. Pearl took that as a yes. 

ANDROGYNOUS [Violet Chachki]Where stories live. Discover now