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When she came back from work - the classes hadn't started yet- Pearl was asleep on the couch and her headphones were resting on the table. The PC was still on. By then Violet had already realized that she was a DJ. She went to her room and laid down in bed. Honestly she couldn't even think about partying. She dreaded her job at the café and couldn't wait for college to start, but she needed the money. She ended up falling asleep as well looking at her pictures of Dita Von Teese, and while she was sleeping the cat climbed on the bed and cuddled up by her side.

The music woke her up again. She would end up getting used to it. She stood up, fixed her hair and her shirt and went out. Pearl looked up at her, headphones on again. 

- Hey, Chachki, are you ready to go? - she asked.  Violet nodded. Pearl looked at her with a funny face that made her very uncomfortable. - Have you ever even been to a party?

- Not really. I'm not that kind of girl.

- You have a huge poster of Bettie Paege half-naked on your walls. You are that kind of girl, you just have to stop giving a fuck.- Pearl's tone was calm and sleepy as usual, but it was like a punch directly aimed at Violet's stomach. She didn't respond and Pearl, knowing that she had hurt her, felt guilty. She took a tiny black eyeliner pencil out of her pocket and threw it at her, who caught it in the air. - Here, put that on. It works magic.

She didn't dare complain and walked to a tiny mirror in the room. She applied it effortlessly, like she was a natural, memories of her six-year-old self in red lipstick flooding back into her mind. She barely recognized her imgage in the mirror. She still looked almost exactly the same - it was only a bit of black eyeliner -  but to her, she felt like a young Dita Von Teese.

- It's fine, I guess. - she lied, dreading her white shirt more than ever. The truth is, she didn't care about looking nice anymore. She, at last, didn't give a fuck.

ANDROGYNOUS [Violet Chachki]Where stories live. Discover now