The Little Red Dress

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I have said before that Violet only owned white shirts. Well, that was a lie. She owned one little red dress. Nothing over the top, not too chic, not too sexy. But it wasn't a white shirt. Violet loved pin-up girls, but having just turned eighteen she had never actually been to a show. She now often asked for Pearl's eyeliner, and was starting to enjoy taking care of her looks. Nothing extreme, but she brushed her hair a bit more carefully, ironed her shirts everyday and sprayed some of Pearl's perfume on. She had even bpught a little tube of red lipstick that she still didn't dare use.

That night she had grabbed the lipstick and put the dress on her bed and she was staring at it. Should she just... wear it? Was that who she was? She was having an identity crisis over a plain red dress by that point. It was nothing outrageous, but the last time she had worn a dress she was at a school play and had forgotten all of her lines and her crush had made fun of her. She didn't want anyone to make fun of her.

But she was there to make a change. She wasn't there to be boring Violet. It wasn't that big of a deal. She had seen Fame wear a dress the other day, but again, she was pretty sure she looked good in everything. Fuck it, she grabbed the dress and the lipstick and locked the bathroom door. When she went out she had combed her hair, put on some make-up - yes, including the red lipstick that she had been terrified of for years - and the little red dress. Her shoes were black flats, but it was all she owned. She still looked like a Violet, just a femme, fresh version of Violet. Strangey, she felt a wave of confidence flooding her.

Pearl was hanging out with Alaska and she would meet her there. Violet grabbed her bag and started walking towards the cabaret.

The place was a cheap, modern version of Moulin Rouge. It was pretty tiny, nothing spectacular, and nobody even looked at Violet. After all, nobody knew the change she had gone through, and she just looked like a regular feminine woman.

Everybody was there except for Miss Fame. Nobody really noticed the change either but Pearl, who simply rose her eyebrows. Violet was slightly disappointed.

- Where's Fame? - Violet asked.

- She couldn't come. She had some work to do. - Pearl said. 

- What, you wanted to reenact what happened yesterday? - Alaska teased, noticing the grin of disappointment on Violet's face. 

- Let's go! - Adore said, grabbing Violet's wrist and pulling her into the establishment, saving her from the embarrassment. 

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