Confidence Rush

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The night was full of laughter, screaming, dancing and a lot of shade. Even Jinkx, who apparently barely got drunk ended up feeling a little tipsy. Laganja had passed out on the couch - which was actually a good thing, she was fun but annoying and loud, kind of like a squeaky dog toy. Pearl was still chatting with Max in a corner of the room. Katya and Trixie were still as loud as usual, laughing in the middle of the room. It was impossible to forget their presence. The rest of the girl were dancing to Pearl's music. Fame was sitting down on the couch on her own, careful not to wake Laganja up.

Violet approached Fame. By that time she was fully drunk and felt a rush of confidence through her body.

- Hey. 

- Hey. - Miss Fame smiled. She was still holding a glass, however she ahd taken care to stay mildly sober and not lose her senses in case she had to take care of any of her friends. She had always been the mature one, and the others often teased her and said that she spoiled the fun, but were secretly thankful for her care. 

- I'm kind of cold, I'm going to get a blanket from my room. Mind coming with me? - Violet asked, even though it was very clearly an excuse to get away. Fame nodded and they went to the small white room. Violet sat down on the bed and patted the mattress by her side so Fame would sit there. 

- So, where's the blanket? - Miss Fame questioned.

Violet felt the rush of confidence again, the same she had felt on the stage, except this time it was boosted by alcohol. She grabbed Fame's hand and leaned over to kiss her, trying to recreate that scene in the party where they had met, except this time it would be real. For a second it worked; Violet felt the touch of Fame's lips on hers and the rush intensified.

She was suddenly pushed away from the embrace.

- What the hell? Are you nuts? - Fame whispered, as if she was too scared for anyone to know what had happened.

- What do you mean? I... you... We clearly have feelings for eachother. And that night a month ago...

- No. We clearly don't have feelings for eachother and we were completely drunk, just like you are now.  - Fame frowned. - You're acting foolish and there is nothing between us.

She stood up completely flustered and embarrassed and left, closing the door behind her to leave Violet alone with her thoughts.

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