What Really Matters

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It had all happened in a blur, but this time in all the wrong ways. She remembered being onstage, and she also remembered someone touching her leg from the audience. She grasped onto her unattainability, she desired to be an ethereal being of desire. Maybe it was the fact that she was reminded that she was physical what made something switch in her brain. She did not remember what had happened after that, but now she was in jail for agressive behaviour against that man. She had yelled for a while for the officers to let her out of here, she hd cursed and threatened, which didn't work. Now her throat hurt and she was still in prison for at least another day.

A police officer opened the door to the cell and Violet stood up. Her make-up was ruin, she was dirty and one of her heels was broken.

- Someone payed bail for you. - she didn't say anything, but she was immensely relieved inside. She walked out just to see Pearl standing at the door. She suddenly felt like she wouldn't be able to look at her in the eye.  Never before had she felt the complete and utter shame she was experiencing now. However, when she approached her Pearl's face lit up and she ran to her.

- Bitch you had me terrfied! - she grinned, and hugged her. She didn't care how gross Violet could look or what she may have done. In the ride home, she did not mention the incident again. For a second, Violet was able to se some kind of strong emotion on Pearl's face, but the blonde girl seemed to understand that she didn't want to talk about what had happened.

- Get in the shower, I'll bring you some clothes. - Pearl said as soon as they got home. - Take your time.

The warm water running through her body provided immediate comfort to her. Feeling clean and pretty was highly important to her, but that wasn't the reason why. Perhaps she longed for some kind of warmth and affection? But hell no, she wouldn't admit it. As she got out of the shower she noticed some white pyjamas that belonged to Pearl. She put them on. The cloth was incredibly soft, and the sweet smell of Pearl immediately improved her mood. When she looked in the mirror she wasn't the insecure, plain white shirt Violet that she was when she got there for the first time. She wasnt the falsely confident, sexy, unattainable persona that she had created and that she now had trouble separating from her real self. She was something else. She looked... average, with messy hair and no make-up. But she looked inviting and somehow prettier than before. She couldn't help but smile a bit - something that she hadn't done in a long time.

She walked out of the bathroom to find Pearl sitting at the table and looking down at her phone without even noticing Violet. In front of her was a bowl of soup that she had prepared for Violet to have before going to bed. And it was then, and only then that Violet realized who really had cared about her since the beggining. 

ANDROGYNOUS [Violet Chachki]Where stories live. Discover now