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When they arrived at the club, Violet was shocked at the amount of noise and the heavy smell of alcohol. She didn't recall going to a party before, because as she had said it wasn't her style. Or at least it wasn't until now: fter all, she was there for a transformation. She didn't care about being nice, but she would try her best to not be the boring Violet that nobody wanted to hang out with. 

She panicked for a second, thinking that she had lost Pearl in the crowd, but soon spotted her pale figure chatting with a group of girls. That was the definitive test. It was time to be a new Violet. She walked towards the clique trying to look as confident as possible. 

Pearl grabbed her by the arm:

- This is my flatmate Violet. You know, the freaky one with the posters. - she joked, which made her extremely uncomfortable. So that was the first thing they knew about her, huh? But she wouldn't let her worries shine through. She flashed a smile at the other girls and waved, trying to appear as natural as possible. - Violet, this is Adore.

Pearl pointed at a young girl with a bright smile, who looked already kind of tipsy. 

- Hi! - she said, waving back at her and enlargening her already huge, inviting grin. She then walked towards Violet and hugged her, staining her shirt. - My name's Adore. What's your sign?

- Huh... I'm a Gemini. - Violet answered, slightly confused. Was that really the first question you asked to a stranger? 

- Oh... two-faced, I see. - Adore shrugged, and walked towards the bar to get another drink.

- These are Alaska and Fame.- she pointed at the other girls in the group. 

The first one was tall and ecentric, with huge hair and smeared make-up. She stared at Violet with a quirky grin.

- Hiie... my name's Alaska... - she said slowly, with an accent that didn't belong to any country and yet it belonged to her, Alaska. 

- Hello. - the other girl  (Fame, Violet assumed) smiled slightly at her. She looked completely sober and inviting. Violet thought she was pretty cute and couldn't help but smile back at her. She was sure they would become friends.

- Oh, and that's Katya. - Pearl pointed at a girl who was dancing and yelling in the middle of the room, enjoying the chaos more than anyone Violet had ever seen before. - She doesn't drink anymore. That's just how she is. - Pearl shrugged. - Her flatmate Trixie didn't come, she had a headache.

Violet turned around to catch Alaska still staring at her.

- Shit... I guess I'm not the pretty one anymore... I hate her... - Alaska said directly to Pearl as if Violet wasn't even here. She had never considered her "pretty" because she wasn't. She never took care of her looks, she didn't have the time. She just rolled her eyes at the comment.

- Oh, the new girl is a shady one! - Adore giggled. She had come back from the bar and handed Violet a drink, which she accepted. She started to strangely enjoy the noise and smell of alcohol. It wasn't dstinguished,  but it was the change she needed. She disappeared in a blur of dancing, flashing lights and paper glasses.

ANDROGYNOUS [Violet Chachki]Where stories live. Discover now