Just Another Day

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You had just left Steve's base after visiting him. He and Alex decided to go back to their old way and explore separately. They occasionally took adventures together, but that was because Steve didn't explore as much. You stayed really close to both Steve and Herobrine after the whole Null thing.

Herobrine went back to his weird temperamental ways, causing you to not visit near as much. You weren't really sure why he was like that considering he had a great group of friends.

Notch constantly checked his code and made sure nothing odd would happen again. You still worked for Notch which was quite fun so you had nothing to be upset about. Notch never gave you too crazy of tasks and there wasn't always that much to do.

"Y/n, I need you to go to a village and help someone." You heard Notch speak. It was always weird hearing his voice and not seeing him.
"Alright, where and who?" You spoke back.
"Here's a map and all your details." A piece of paper spawned in front of you and you grabbed it.

You began reading the paper. A younger boy had gone out to explore much to his parents disapproval. He got caught and his parents were furious. This was about a month ago, ever sense they have been making him stay indoors or only go to a few shops. They follow him everywhere and aren't allowing him freedom. He managed to write a letter to Notch asking for help.

Easy enough, go to the village, find the boy, rescue the boy. You look at the map and began walking. It would take you about 2 days to get to the village.

It was getting darker and you knew monsters would be out soon. You found a tree to sleep underneath and laid out your sleeping bag. You got cozy and decided to get an early night so you could get a head start.

You woke up the next morning before the sun had risen. You walked along and munched on a cookie you had made at Steve's. It was quite peaceful walking alone in the middle of nowhere. There were sheep bleating and cows mooing.

The day was uneventful and the sky was growing darker. You brought out your sleeping bag and went to sleep.

Once again you woke up and began your journey. You only had a little longer until you made it to the village. You saw the walls on top of the hill and immediately recognized the village as your old one. It had been 4 years since you left and you weren't keen on ever returning. You sighed. For the boy.

You made your way to the village and put up your hood. You kept your head down as you walked into the village. You looked around for a kid. The paper said he'd be the only younger boy in a red shirt and blue pants. You kept looking until you saw someone with their back to you wearing the exact clothing. There beside him was an older man with a sword at his hip. You slowly got closer and heard them speaking.

"Why are you still following me? Don't you think it's unfair?" The boy spoke.
"Your father is paying me to watch you." The man replied. The boy groaned and turned around. You immediately recognized his face, it was Jordan.

      You turned quickly and walked away. You hoped he hadn't seen you and you began to plan how you would get him alone. You knew where your house was and knew where his room was. You bought a piece of paper and wrote on it. 'I'm here to get you out of here. If you want to leave meet me by the pond at 12 am'. You set the paper on his window sill and went by the pond. You still had 6 hours to wait.

      You ended up getting bored and went shopping. You got yourself a few cookies and a pie. You then bought some apples. It was about an hour before you were supposed to meet him, so you went and sat down.

      You watched as Jordan cautiously walked up to the pond, looking back and forth. You slid your face mask over your mouth and nose then walked up to Jordan.

      "Are you the one here to help?" You nodded.
      "Thank you." You nodded again. I'll tell him who I am later. You began walking and he followed behind you.
      "Who are you?" You sighed.
      "Later." Is all you Said.
      "Ok." He walked quietly behind you. You both made it out of the village and to the closest forest. You opened your backpack and dug out your sleeping bag. You laid it on the ground.
       "Get some rest. We leave early." You speak, trying to make your voice slightly deeper.
      "Are you female?" He asks in disbelief. You nodded.
     "Oh, cool." He then got in the sleeping bag and quickly drifted off.

      You sat against the tree just looking around and thinking. Jordan was only 14. You weren't sure where you would bring him, so you decided bringing him to Alex would be a good idea. She was only 16 so they would be close in age and hopefully get along. They were both wild and adventurous.

      Staying awake wasn't all that hard. You tended to travel at nighttime when you had a long journey. You have been awake for 3 days straight once, so this was no big deal. You waited for the sun to rise.

      Once the sun was risen you decided to wake Jordan up. You got tired of your little mask so you removed it and the hood. Jordan groaned and sat up. He looked at you and he looked shocked.

     "Y/n? You're alive?" He looked close to tears.
      "Alive as I'll ever be." You answered. He jumped forward and hugged you tightly.
      "I missed you so much." You could hear him sniffle some.
"I missed you too bud."

You both began walking after your little realization. You were going to go talk to Alex to see if she'd be cool with a pal. It was going to be a long journey. Jordan wasn't very used to walking for long periods of time so you had to stop for him.

      It had been about 3 days you two had been traveling and you still had 1 to go. Jordan was very curious about how your life had gone after running away. You had explained why you ran away, what your job was, and a few of the stories you had. He really enjoyed hearing the story about Null.

      "So you're telling me that you are actually one of the 4 original AI's?" He couldn't quite wrap his mind around it.
      "Yep. I know, it's crazy." You replied.
     "You're like so cool and badass. I wanna be like that." Jordan admitted you laughed slightly at that.
      "I'm sure you'll be badass soon enough kiddo." You reassured. He smiled and you continued walking forward.

       It was getting darker and kept a lookout for a good place to stop and sleep. You spotted a little cave type thing at the bottom of a mounting and decided to stay there. You started moving towards it and Jordan followed you. You brought out the sleeping bag and laid it down for Jordan. You then sat beside it.

      "You should take the sleeping bag this time, I always use it." Jordan suggest.
      "I'm fine, the grass is soft." You reassure.
      "But it's yours, you should use it." He argues.
      "I told you, I'm fine. Now go to sleep we are close to our destination." He nodded and got into the sleeping bag.

      Jordan fell asleep a lot quicker than you did.

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