A Call For Help

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       "Y/n?" You felt a slight shake and woke up. Herobrine was standing next to you with a worried look.
      "Why are you in here? I fell asleep here right?" You nodded and sat up.
       "The person came back. They laid down in the bed I was in so I came in here." He nodded. You saw a look of sadness flash across his face and you weren't sure why. Weirdo
      "Tonight we are going to contact Notch. I'm sick of having to deal with this person." You said. You stood up and stretched.
      "Agreed. I don't like that they're bothering you." Herobrine said the last part quietly. You smiled and walked to the kitchen.

      After an hour everyone was up and having a good time. Steve was excited to be back with his friends and Jordan looked happy to actually have some friends.

      When the sun started to set you and Herobrine went outside. You had a device to call Notch so you could speak with him. You both sat out there as you pressed the button.

      "What can I help you with?" Notch's voice spoke. Herobrine looked nervous and confused.
       "Notch, someone has possessed Herobrine we think. Sometimes Herobrine becomes someone different and doesn't recall anything that happens during that time." You spoke into the sky.
      "Give me a moment." Notch replies. Suddenly there are some random purple sparkles and Notch is there in front of you both.
      "So you have someone controlling a part of you?" Notch questions Herobrine. Herobrine nods.
       "I'll have to run some tests. You will have to come back with me. Y/n you can come too. Is there anything you can tell me about this person?" Notch mentioned.
       "Uh, he really doesn't like you. He also hates being called Hero." Notch nodded slowly.
       "We must go." He reaches for you both and you stepped back.
      "I want to say bye." Notch sighed but nodded. You and Herobrine walked inside to speak with everyone.

      "Guys?" You got their attention. Everyone was looking at you.
      "Hero and I have told you about the person who seems to be possessing him. Notch thinks he can help so we are going with him. We will keep you guys updated." Everyone nodded.
      "Be Safe." Jordan said as he got up and hugged you. You all hugged and grabbed your things. Notch teleported you two to his base.
      "Herobrine, would you mind taking a seat so I can run some tests on your code?" Notch motions towards a chair.

      Herobrine sits down and Notch begins working. You look around the place so you're not in the way. Notch had showed you a room to stay in so you ended up going back to it and staring at the wall thinking. After a little bit you heard some weird grunts. You were a little worried so you went to check on the boys. You walked in to see Notch on top of Herobrine holding him down as he tried to punch him. His eyes were red and you realized the other person was back.

"Herobrine! Stop fighting him!" You ran up to them and grabbed Herobrine's arms. He looked up at you angrily.
"Let go of me y/n!" You shook you head no.
"You need to stop. You're both gonna get hurt." You tried to persuade him. You didn't know if it would be successful.
"No, this isn't my body, but I'll use it to get Notch." He ripped his arms out of your hands causing you to fall forward. You caught yourself and looked over to see Herobrine now on top. He looked angry and ready to attack. He threw a punch and hit Notch in the jaw.
"I said stop." You huffed and lunged at the two men. You shoved Herobrine off of Notch and straddled him. You held his arms on either side of him.
"Do not attack Notch. I don't care if you don't like him." You warned. He struggled beneath you. Notch walked up and tied some weird glowing string around his ankles.
"I will get to finish Notch and you won't be able to stop me." He then closed his eyes. You have a confused look. His eyes opened back up, but they were glowing white.
"What's going on?" Herobrine asked. You cleared your throat and got off of him.
"Uh, the other person came back and attacked Notch. I just helped by holding him down." You explained as Herobrine stood up. He looked worried, like usual.
"He didn't hurt you did he?" He asked looking you up and down. You smiled slightly.
"No, he didn't." Herobrine hugged you and you hugged back.
"Notch, do you have somewhere to keep me? I'm too dangerous to be left roaming out and about." Herobrine asked looking up at Notch, who looked tired. There was a small bruise forming on his jaw.
"Yea, follow me." Both you and Herobrine stood up. Herobrine looked down at his ankles and cleared his throat. Both You and Notch looked back at him.
"I can't walk like this." Notch chuckled and went to undo the weird string.
"Sorry, it was to keep you from teleporting." He informed. You all then walked down a hallway and into an odd room. It had bars all along the back.
"You actually have a cell?" You asked surprised. You didn't expect him to have one.
"Yea, where else do I keep the rogues?"
"True." You looked to Herobrine and he looked nervous and sad.
"Don't worry Hero, you'll get a bed and a room that's semi normal." Notch reassured.

He began working. You watched as a he placed a bed and somehow summoned walls. The barred room was quite big, so he was adding a bathroom. He went into the new room and came out a moment later. He placed a door and went back to the room. Within no time the room looked a lot more comfy. There was a book case filled with books and a nice chair. He had also placed a round table with some board games and card games stacked up on it.

"Hopefully you won't get too bored. If you need anything feel free to call for me." Notch smiled sympathetically.
"Will do." Herobrine walked in.
"Oh and, you have to wear this. I'll just wrap it around your wrist if you'd like." Notch says lifting the glowing string. Herobrine nodded and stuck his left hand out and Notch tied the string around it.
"Here ya go y/n. This is a key to get in if you guys ever wanna read or... whatever." He handed you the key and walked off. What does he mean by 'or whatever'? He better not be implying what I think he is.
"Wanna play a board game?" Herobrine asked from the table. You laughed and walked in you then closed the door and locked it.

You sat down at the table and grabbed a game. Monopoly it was. You both played the game for quite some time. You enjoyed being able to still hang out with Herobrine, the real one. Notch came back occasionally and explained that he was going through Herobrine's code. It was a lot of smart stuff he was saying and you started to fuzz out from getting bored.

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