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       After you and Herobrine finished Monopoly, it was late. You had gone straight to bed.

      You woke up to the smell of something sweet. You smelt cinnamon and made your way to Notch's kitchen. When you walked in you saw Notch taking some cinnamon rolls out of the oven.

      "Oh, good morning y/n. Would you like something to eat? I was going to go with Hero." Notch grabbed 3 plates after you nodded. He put a cinnamon roll on each and you both both began walking.
      "Time to get up." Notch announced as we entered the room. Herobrine grumbled and sat up. Notch nodded his head to the door and you took out your key. You unlocked it and you both walked in.
      "Hope you're hungry." Notch placed the plates on the table and removed the games. You locked the door back and went to sit down.
      "I didn't think you were much of a sociable guy." Herobrine said as he stood up and walked over to the table. Notch and Herobrine were across from each other and you were between them.
      "I haven't had guests in awhile. I decided to be a good host." Notch replied. He then bit into the cinnamon roll. You all began eating. You really enjoyed the taste.
      "So how did you guys sleep?" Herobrine questioned. This conversation is going great.
      "I slept well." You replied.
      "I didn't sleep. Sleep isn't necessary for me." Notch shrugged and went back to eating.
      "What about you Hero?" You asked back.
      "I slept great. I haven't slept that good in awhile." He admitted happily.
      "That's good." You said. You all sat there eating silently. This do be a dry conversation tho.

After you all finished Notch left to continue working. You stayed with Herobrine and you both began playing some games. When it was getting close to lunch time Herobrine went to use the bathroom. He came out with the glowing red eyes. Your eyes widened slightly and your heart started beating faster.

"What are we doing in here?" He questioned walking over to you.
"Uh, playing a game." You replied as calm as possible, which wasn't very good.
"Oh, why are there bars?" He looked at the wall while sitting down.
"We got captured." You quickly replied.
"By who?"
"I don't know." You lied once again, answering a little too quick.
"I can tell you're lying." He says calmly. You gulp.
"I'm not." You said.
"Yes you are. Now who captured us?" You took a deep breathe preparing for him to be mad.
"Notch." His face quickly went angry.
"Why did he put you in here?"
"He didn't." Herobrine's eyes started glowing brighter as he got angrier. I should have lied again.
"You chose to be in here?" You were breathing heavier.
"Yes I wanted to stay in here with Hero." You immediately covered you mouth, realizing what you did.
"What did you say?"
"I wanted to be in here with Herobrine." You very quickly replied.
"You said Hero." He walked over to you. You quickly stood and backed up. He lunged at you and ran to the bathroom. You closed the door and realized there was no lock. Shit.
"That didn't work did it?" Herobrine asked as he walked through the door. You backed up and stood in the shower. Shampoo.
"Not as I had planned, no." He took a step closer.

You quickly grabbed the shampoo bottle and opened it. It such a swift movement you squeezed it at him. He moved his head, making it miss his eyes, and looked at you amused. He grabbed the hand holding the shampoo and smirked.

"That didn't go as planned either huh?" He teased. You rolled your eyes.
"That really wasn't a good idea. Now you're cornered and have no weapon." He pointed out the obvious.
"Now, call Notch to get me out of here and you'll be ok." You shook your head no.
"Just let me talk to him. That's all I want." You could tell he was lying.
"No. I'm not going to fall for your lies." You sneered. He angrily squeezed your wrist. You let go of the shampoo in pain. You watched as it fell and some seeped out. You went to step on it when he kicked it out of the way.
"Nope, you're not getting that back." You Just stared blankly at him. He let go of your wrist and smiled as you didn't move.
"You've learned not to attack now huh?" You smiled slightly.
"No, I've learned to think smarter, not harder." You then crouched down and slid between his legs. He turned and you slammed the door shut, hitting him in the face. You laughed slightly and began running.
"Notch! The guys-" you couldn't finish you sentence as Herobrine tackled you to the floor. You landed belly first and groaned. You managed to turn yourself so you could at least face him.
"Nice try." He smirked. He raised his hand, you assumed to slap you, but quickly got poked by a needle in the neck. He fell off of you and you stood up to see Notch standing there looking down at him.
"I made a sedative." He shrugged and you just laughed.
"You need to have a weapon on you, to hurt him so you can escape." Notch informed. You didn't like the idea of that, the guy would leave and the real Herobrine would be hurt.
"Is there anything else? Like keeping a sedative on me? I don't want to hurt him because it causes the real Herobrine pain when he's back." You reasoned. Notch nodded for you to follow and you both walked out, locking the door.
"Yea, I could make some extra. Just make sure anytime he comes you call for me." You nodded.
"When should he wake back up?" You question.
"Very soon. It only knocks you out for 5 minutes."
"Oh, I want to go see if it's Hero who wakes up. If so I want to talk to him." Notch nodded and you walked back to the cell. Herobrine was just waking up and rubbing his neck. He groaned, but had glowing white eyes.
"Hero!" You unlocked the door and quickly ran in. You gave him a hug and he didn't hug back. You let go and looked at him confused.
"What's wrong?" You questioned. He sighed.
"I changed again didn't I?" He looked sad.
"Yea, but it's fine. Everyone is ok." He gave a suspicions look.
"Then why does my nose hurt?" You laughed nervously.
"Well, " you then explained everything to him. He looked annoyed and sad and like he was holding in a lot of emotion.
"Y/n you need to go. I don't want that to happen again." He finally said.
"Hero, I have told you this. I. Will. Not. Leave. You. Stop telling me to." You said sternly.
"And I've said this a bunch. I don't want to hurt you, now leave." He stood up and lost all emotion. You stood up too.
"I'm not leaving. I don't care." You were getting angry. No one tells you what to do.
"Fine. I'll make you leave." He said in his boring monotone voice.
"You can't make me do anything."
"Oh? Notch!" He shouted for Notch."
"Maybe I can't, but your boss sure can." He smirked as Notch walked in.
"Yes?" He looked confused.
"Take her out of here please." Notch gave a confused look but nodded.
"Come on y/n." You shook you head.
"I'm not leaving." Notch gave an annoyed sigh.
"You don't get a choice. I'm your boss and I'm telling you to get out." You groaned and walked out. You turned to face Herobrine and flipped him off.
"I wanted to help you, but instead of being appreciative you're just being a fucker." You then stomped out. You heard Notch say something as you left but you weren't sure what.

Minecraft Assassin: Take TwoWhere stories live. Discover now