Unwelcomed Surprise

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     Matter sat in front of the computer and didn't instruct you to do anything. You rubbed your wrist gently where the burn was. It was raw and not looking too good. You were going to get a potion but Matter told you not to, and you were going to listen. You didn't like having to be submissive but you knew if you weren't you would end up badly hurt.

      "Go do some gardening, I want fresh food." Matter instructed. You nodded, even though he couldn't see you and stood up.
       "Where is the barrier for the bracelet?" You quietly asked.
       "About a foot past the farthest garden fence." He said, not turning around.
      "Ok." You then walked outside and to your shed. You grab out a small shovel and a watering can.

You went out to your garden and walked through the gate. You always had wild animals trample your food, so you had put up a nice sturdy fence and gate. You began harvesting your wheat first.

After about an hour of working most of your crops were harvested and replanted. You watered the last carrot plant and turned to look out at the field. You instead turned to be about 3 feet away from Herobrine. Your eyes widened.

"Y/n, I need to talk with you." He said stepping closer.
"No, Herobrine you need to go. It's not safe here." He looked confused but still moved so now he was in front of you, but not too close.
"Y/n I'm sorry about what I said, I know you were trying to help me." He said looking genuine. You started to freak out trying to think of ways to get rid of him. He glanced down and you saw his eyes look at the bracelet.
"Since when did you start wearing a bracelet?" He gently grabbed your wrist and brought it up.
"Herobrine, the person that possessed you is here and very powerful, you need to get Notch." His head snapped up when you said that.
"He's here? Is that what this is?" He looked down at the bracelet.
"Yes, it's a bracelet to keep me in my boundaries." He nodded and reached for the latch. You yanked your hand back.
"It notifies him if I mess with the latch. Then this will happen." You pointed to the burn ring. Herobrine looked worried as he examined the burn.
"He did this?" He questioned. You nodded and he instantly turned angry.
"He's gonna pay for that." He started to move but you put your hand up to stop him.
"He's too powerful for the both of us. We need Notch, please get him." You begged Herobrine. He sighed.
"Fine. We will be back soon." Herobrine then tried to teleport, but couldn't.
       "He must have made the boundary an anti-teleporting shield too." Herobrine admitted. He then stepped out and teleported away. You sighed and walked back to your shed. You placed your items in their places.
"What took you so long?" Matter said from behind you. You jumped and turned quickly.
"I was looking at the animals." You admitted. He nodded and walked out. He looked at the pasture and the animals.
"Well, grab everything and come on in." He instructed. You nodded and he left.

       You grabbed the basket with all the fresh food and made your way to your house. You walked in and put everything away in the kitchen. You then walked into your living room and sat on the couch. That's all you ever did now, sit and read. The books brought you into a different world, so you didn't have to think about your current predicament.

       "I want some cake." Matter randomly said.
       "I don't have any milk." You informed him.
       "Go get some." He instructed.
       "I haven't set up a farm yet, and all the animals are past the boundary." You said, praying he wouldn't get mad. He just sighed and turned to you.
       "I'm turning off your boundary and coming with you to make sure you don't try to run." You nodded. He turned to the computer and quickly typed.
       "Come on." He tossed you a bucket and began walking towards the door. You followed behind him. When you approached the boundary, you slowed down, afraid you'd get shocked.
      "I turned it off, you're fine." Matter said from the other side. You slowly went over the boundary and let out a breathe of relief. Matter looked at you confused, then began walking again.

       He walked up to a cow and stopped beside it. You then walked up and milked the cow. Once you got enough milk Matter began walking back and you followed. You struggled slightly, because the bucket was already heavy and the added milk didn't help. Matter made it up the front stairs and turned to look at you. You were carefully lifting the milk to make sure it didn't slosh too much. Matter opened the door and you both walked through. He then closed the door and you walked to the kitchen. You began making the cake.

Once the actual cake was done you made the icing. That was an easy step and you were able to finish up the cake quickly. You brought out the whole cake and set it down next to Matter. He glanced over then went back to typing. You sat down on the couch and tapped your fingers on your legs. You were tapping a familiar tune, but you couldn't place it.

You were brought out of your thoughts when you felt the couch move beside you. You looked over to see Matter holding out a plate with a slice of cake on it. You cautiously took it and nodded as a thank you. You grabbed the fork and took a bite. You were proud of yourself, that was a good cake. You finished up your piece and glanced over to see Matter was done too. You grabbed both dishes and walked into the kitchen. You set them in the sink, deciding to wash them later.

       You turned around and went back into the living room. He was still on the couch and he was looking deep in thought. You grabbed a book from your shelf and sat down back in your spot. You crossed your legs and opened the book.

      "Can I see your wrist?" Matter spoke. You  looked up from your book and directly at him. He put his hand out and you put your wrist in it.
      "The one with the bracelet." He said annoyed.
      "Sorry." You mumbled before setting the other wrist in his hand. He pulled it closer and examined it closely.
       "I didn't think it would do this to you." He said, gently touching your burn. He put a little pressure causing you wince. He glanced up at you then continued to examine the bracelet. He went towards the latch and you instinctively pulled your arm back. He grabbed your wrist quickly.
"What was that for?" He questioned looking directly at you.
"Habit." You shortly replied. He nodded then went back to remove it.

You stiffened up, preparing for the shock, but it never came. He let go of your wrist and you pulled it back immediately. You gently held your wrist and massaged it. You closely examined to see the burn mark was still bright red and slightly swollen.

"I need you to go get your brother." Your head snapped up to meet his glowing red eyes.
"I need you to go get your brother and bring him here."
"Why? Please don't bring him into this mess. He's free and having fun." You tried to persuade him to not get your brother.
"Because he will be helpful for what I'm doing. Either you get him or I will, and you won't like it if I go get him." You sighed.
"Fine." You responded.
"Good. I will know if you don't come back immediately. You may not have your bracelet but I will know where you are and what you're doing at all times." Matter informed. You nodded and stood up.

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