Fake it 'Til Ya Make it

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      "What am I supposed to do?" You asked as Matter walked over to a computer. He began typing.
       "Uh, I don't know. Go make me something to eat." You scoffed.
       "I'm your partner in all of this not your damn servant." You said annoyed.
       "No, you're not. Now go do as I said." You were mad. You've been mad a lot recently. I want to hurt someone.
       "Hell no. You are not making me do little things like that." You walked up to a computer next to him and reached for the keyboard. You suddenly felt a shock on your wrist and you pulled it back.
      "What? I didn't try to remove my bracelet." You looked at it in utter confusion.
       "Yea, well I can control your bracelet like I'll control you. Now go." You sighed and walked into the kitchen. This is embarrassing.
      You took out some beef and began cooking it. Once the beef was cooked you plated it and brought it out to Matter and set it next to him. He glanced over at it and then went back to typing. You sat down on your couch and ate your plate of food. You sat and watched as Matter typed away at an ungodly speed. He occasionally paused to grab a bite then went back to working.

       "Go get me a water." He spoke.
       "You know where the kitchen is." You roll your eyes and go back to reading.
       "And you know what happens when you disobey." He said. You felt a sudden shock. You grabbed your wrist quickly.
       "Would you stop? That hurts." You grumble.
       "I will once you obey me." He said, once again shocking your wrist.
       "Okay okay I'm going." You stand up and walk to the kitchen.

       You get a glass of water and bring it to Matter. You set it down next to him and look at the computer. It was a bunch of code. You thought back and forth on attacking him. You knew that you would get blamed for what's happening because you're here getting him what he wants. If you attacked you would at least be trying to stop him and prove you're not purposely helping. You saw him turn his head a little and glance at you.

       "What are you doing?" He questioned. He fully turned himself to face you. You stepped back some not realizing how close you were to him.
       "Just looking at the computer." You replied.
"Why?" He tilted his head slightly to the side.
"I wanted to see what you were doing." You admitted.
"Well I didn't tell you you could. Now go sit down." He instructed. You huffed and did as he said.

You just sat there staring the wall thinking about everything you would be doing right now if it wasn't for him. You would be exploring with Herobrine or hanging out with all your friends. You wondered how Steve, Alex, and Jordan were doing. You wouldn't be able to see them for a bit with Matter being here. You were so deep in thought you didn't know Matter was speaking. You felt a shock on your wrist and jumped in surprise.

"What was that for?" You asked in disbelief.
"You weren't listening. I had to get your attention." He shrugged.
"You could have taken two more steps and nudged me." You grumbled.
"Yea or I could shock you and scare you. That is funnier." He reasons.
"Rude." You mumbled. He looked angrily at you.
"What did you say?" He questioned.
"Nothing." You rolled your eyes.
"Don't mumble. Now go get me another water." You sighed and stood up. You grabbed the glass and walked into the kitchen.

When you got to the kitchen you remembered the poison you had sitting at the back of one of your cabinets. Don't ask. You smirked and grabbed it out. Thankfully, it was clear. You poured a small amount into his cup then filled it with water. You put the cork back into the bottle and stored it. You brought the cup over and set it next to Matter once again. You then walked over to the couch and sat down.

"You poisoned this." Matter spoke. You looked over at him confused.
"What?" You furrowed your eyebrows trying to stay normal.
"There's poison in this I can tell." He said, now facing you completely.
"That's not possible, my potions room is in the complete other direction from the kitchen." You reasoned with him.
"Ok, then you drink this." He grabbed the cup and walked over to you.
"What why? I'm not even thirsty." You tried to remain calm but you were terrified.
"So I know it's not poisoned." He said calmly.
"That's stupid. I couldn't have poisoned it. You're just accusing me." You blame. Maybe it would catch him off guard.
"If you didn't poison it then you would drink it." He said. Damnit he has a point.
"Yea, but it's your water. You already drank out of that glass so I'm not." He gave a 'really' look.
"Drink it." He held it closer to you.
"No." You said firmly.
"Then admit it's poisoned."
"It's not." He groaned then brought the cup to your mouth. You moved back and he tried to to make you drink it.
"Okay! I admit it! I tried to poison you." You quickly said. You were seconds away from having to drink that. He brought the cup back and smiled triumphantly. Then a look of realization crossed his face.
"You tried to poison me." He said. You gulped and looked at him nervously.
"I'm busy and need someone to help me but the person who was supposed to is trying to kill me." He said more to himself.
"You tried to kill me, again." He was getting angrier and angrier the more he spoke.
"What am I supposed to do with you? I could mess with your code." Your eyes widened. You were filled with fear.
"Please don't." You said quietly.
"You don't get a say." He said angrily. You flinched at his tone.
"I don't want to change." He glared at you.
"Maybe you shouldn't have tried to poison me." He sneered. Play sweet and innocent.
      "I'm sorry. I'm just scared." You said cowering down as he grew angrier.
       "I don't care if you're fucking scared! You tried to kill me again." You flinched. His eyes were glowing bright red.
       "I-I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me. I'll listen for now on." You said. You hated playing all submissive but it would help you get to him.
       "Try anything one more time and you'll regret it." He growls, before turning and going back to the computer. You had a plan. You knocked the cup onto the ground 'on accident' so it would break. He turned around quickly.
      "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." You quickly went down and began picking up the shards.

      You grabbed a large, sharp one and hid it in your sleeve. You grabbed the rest and brought it to the kitchen to throw away. You grabbed another cup and filled it with water. You grabbed a small knife from your drawer. You walked into the living room and set the glass next to Matter. He glanced at it then continued working. You raised your hand with the knife in it above Matter. You were about to bring it down when that wrist got shocked by the bracelet. You flinched and dropped the knife. Matter turned around with a knowing look and your eyes widened.

       "Did you think I wouldn't know?" He questioned. Your heart rate picked up.
      "I-" he cut you off by shocking your wrist again.

       This time, it didn't stop. It felt as though the bracelet was on fire and burning a ring around your wrist. You held your arm, right below your wrist. Your eyes teared at the pain in your wrist. You crouched down holding your arm tightly trying to stop the pain. Tears were starting to fall and you tried hard not to let out any noise. Your other hand was balled into a fist as you tried to divert the pain.

      "P-please Stop." You barely spoke. You couldn't hear yourself.
      "Not until you promise to obey." Matter said darkly.
      "I-I promise." You grunted. The pain stopped and you let out a breathe of relief. You looked down at your wrist to see a burn mark all the way around it.
      "Disobey me again and it will be worse." Matter said before turning back to his computer and typing.

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