Fight For Life

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You were ready to head out and get your brother. You didn't want to bring him to Matter but you knew that it would be better if you got him instead of Matter getting him.

"You need to sleep first. You've been up since early this morning and it's night time now." Matter instructed.
"I'm fine. I don't need to sleep." You yawned right after you said that and he gave a knowing look.
"Go to bed." He instructed. You sighed and walked to your bedroom. Matter stood up and walked behind you. You walked in and turned to close your door to see him standing there.
"Don't try to get out tonight, I'll know if you do." Matter informs. You nod and he walks off. You close your door and lock it.

You immediately feel safer and walk to your bathroom. You take a quick, warm shower and head to bed. You fell asleep in an instant and woke up what felt like only seconds later. You groaned as the sun shown through your window and onto your face. You sat up and the blankets fell off of you. You got out of bed and made your way to your bathroom where you took a shower and changed into your day clothes.

You walked out of your room and into the living room. Matter was at his usual spot in front of the computer. You walked into the kitchen and got yourself something to eat.

"You're going to get your brother, correct?" Natter questions as you walk back in.
"Yea." You answered in a bored tone.
"Perfect, I need you to head out now, so you two will be back by sun down." He informed. You nodded and went towards your room to grab a sword and backpack. You put some food in the backpack and went towards the front door.
"If you're not back by sun down I will find you. Don't try anything." You nodded.
"Answer me vocally." He instructed. You sighed.
"I'll be back by sun down, but I need you to confirm you won't hurt him." I spoke looking into his empty eyes.
       "I swear I won't hurt him. Now go." He looked peeved but you didn't care.

      You got on your horse you had tamed recently and took off. The trip wouldn't be too terribly long. You made it there in a few hours and knocked on the door. The door opens to reveal a very happy looking Jordan.

      "Y/n! How are you?" He grabbed you in a hug and you hugged back.
      "I'm doing alright." You smiled. He ushered you inside.
      "Alex went to Steve's for the day, she should be back tonight though. So, why did you come?" It would be easier with Alex not being here, so you were thankful.
       "Uh I was coming to ask if you'd come back to my house with me? I just wanted to show you around and I need your help with something." It sucked lying to your brother but you knew you couldn't exactly tell him why he needed to come.
       "Ok! I'll grab my bag and bow!" He rushed into the other room and grabbed what he needed. You sat in there debating on actually going back, you decided that if you didn't go back it would put Jordan in danger.
      "Ready! I'll just write a note to Alex." He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote something down. He placed it on the door as you walked out.
       "Alrighty time to go." He hopped on his horse and you both rode off.

By the time you arrived home it was dark. You were surprised Matter didn't come after you but just assumed he was giving you extra time. You both put your horses in the stables and walked inside. You were anxious. You didn't know how Jordan was gonna react. You walked up and opened your front door.

Your living room was trashed and Matter was wrestling with Herobrine on the ground. Notch was groaning in the floor, but slowly sitting up. You and Jordan froze and stared at the scene.

"Run down that hall," you point to the right, "and lock the door in my bedroom. Don't open it until I knock on it." Jordan nodded and ran down the hall.

You dropped your bag to the floor and ran towards Matter and Herobrine. You kicked Matter in the side and he fell off. You looked up at you angrily and lunged at you. You shoved you to the floor, knocking the air out of you. Matter tried to hit your face but you put your arm up barely blocking it. You tried to flip him but he slammed you on the ground again. You hit your head, causing your vision to blur. Notch ran over and grabbed matter off of you and began fighting him. Herobrine rushed over to your side as you sat up.

"Are you ok?" He looked worried and examined you.
"I'm fine." You spoke. Your head was throbbing but tried to ignore it.

You looked up to the fight to see Notch bring out a syringe. Matter snatched it before it hit his arm and jammed it into Notch's neck. Notch fell over and Herobrine jumped up to attack Matter. You rushed to Notch's side and felt for a pulse. You felt a faint pulse and realized it was simply a sedative. You grabbed him under the arms and dragged him across the floor. You left him out of the way and went to help Herobrine.

You catapulted yourself onto Matter's back and began trying to hit him. He grabbed you and threw you off. You landed once again on your back and groaned. You sat up and saw him elbow Herobrine in the head, knocking him out. Your eyes widened as Matter stood there breathing heavily. You stood up and ran towards your room. You heard footsteps behind you quickly approaching.

"Jordan open the door!" You shouted. The door flew open and you rushed inside and shut it just as you heard Matter hit it.
"Y/n you know I can and will get in there!" Matter shouted.
"What's happening?" Jordan looked terrified.
"I'll explain later. We have to go. On three we jump through the window." Jordan looked bewildered as you spoke.
"The window?!"
"Yea, 1, 2, 3!" You grabbed his wrist and ran towards the window. You both jumped and crashed through it. You rolled and stood up, quickly helping Jordan.
"Run! I can't be near you, he can track me." You warned.
"I'm not leaving you." He looked determined.
"Jordan I swear I'll find you. Don't go to Alex's or Hero's, go to Steve. Tell him I sent you and you need somewhere safe to hide." Jordan nodded and took off running.
"Oh y/n! Where did you goooo?" You heard Matter outside. You took off running as fast as you could.

You ran towards a dark oak forest to hopefully lose him. You could hear him still shouting your name and the occasional sound of a branch snapping. You stopped behind a large tree to catch your breath.

"You do know I can track you right?" Matter spoke, quieter this time.

He was very close to you. You peaked around the right of the tree and saw him about 3 feet away looking directly at you. He gave a creepy smile and your eyes widened.

"Gotcha." He lunged for you and you sprinted away.

He was right behind you, but you were quick. You kept pushing yourself as much as you could. You felt something smack you in the back, causing you to fall forward. You quickly twisted, now laying on your back, just as Matter hovered above you.

"Nice try." He smirked. You kicked up and hit his shin. He stumbled and stopped floating.
"You're a real fighter huh?" He managed to put the bracelet around your wrist and turned it on.
"Please stop." You had tears in your eyes and your wrist was burning.
"How about... no." He reached down and grabbed your shoulder, roughly pulling you up.
"That was a fun game, but now it's time to go." You were teleported to somewhere different. It looked like the top of a pillager tower.
"Can you make it stop? Please." You begged as your wrist started to feel numb.
"No." He looked angrily at you. He dragged you down some stairs and threw you into a cell. You reached for your wrist again and tried it remove the bracelet, causing you to shock your hand.
"There." He spoke as the stinging stopped. You looked at your wrist and saw a blooding ring around it.
"Don't you ever try to run from me again." He seethed before walking away.

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