Helpful Info

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       You arrived back to your house to see Matter sitting in the grass out front. He stood up as you approached. You put your horse in it's stable and Matter was beside you.

      "You were 30 minutes late." He spoke.
      "I'm sorry. I stopped by a shop before heading out, then needed to stop so my horse could get water." You explained.
       "I told you to be back by noon." You were walking towards the door and he was beside you.
       "Shit happens. At least I didn't try to run right?" You walked in with him right behind you.
       "You're lucky I even let you go." He sounded upset, but not as mad as you assumed he'd be. You made your way to the kitchen and removed the apples from your bag.
       "I am. And I apologize for being late." You were staying calm hoping it would keep him calm too.
       "If I ever let you do that again you better be back on time."
       "Will do." You walk away to your room to put everything away.

       You grabbed the dagger Herobrine gave you and slipped it in your boot. You walked out of your room and into the living room to see Matter floating with his eyes closed. You decided to go out front and sit in the sun. You brought one of your new books and began reading.

       You had been reading for a few hours when you heard some weird noises inside. The front door suddenly slammed open causing you to spin around quick.

      "WHERE THE FU- oh, there you are." Matter immediately calmed down when he saw you sitting out front.
       "Don't you have the tracker on my wrist?" You questioned looking down at the bland bracelet.
       "It's not working. I need to fix it." He walks down beside you and sat down.
       "Will it shock me?" He shook his head no and you removed it.

       You handed it to him then opened your book again. He laid back and closed his eyes. After a few minutes he got up and went in and you continued reading. You finished the book as the sun was setting. You walked inside and went to your room to put your book up. You decided to go ask Matter what exactly he needed you for.

       "Matter?" You walked into the living room. He turned around and looked at you.
       "Yes?" He looked confused.
       "Why do you need me?" You sucked in a breathe, afraid he'd be mad.
       "I just need you to stay alive." That's not an answer.
      "Why? What happens if I die?" You decided to push him. You had a dagger just in case.
       "You're my helper. You do what I need. Also, my code is hidden within yours. So I want to keep you around." He explained. You were shocked.
      "So if I die you die?" You question.
      "No, I'm within your memories. Only Notch can get rid of those. If you die you simply don't have a body." You were incredibly confused.
      "So if he removes my memories, he removes you? Can't he just take you out?" Matter sighs.
      "No. He can't. I buried myself deep. Once he finally found me I would have already taken over." You just blinked.
      "You would have to lose your memories." He simplified for you. You frowned and sat on the couch.
      "Ok then. Thanks for explaining." He nodded and turned back around. You were willing to lose your memories to save everyone, you just needed to tell someone now.

       You decided to shower and go to bed. You brainstormed ways to get the news to Notch or Herobrine, but you didn't know how.

      The next morning you woke up and got dressed. You walked into the living room but Matter wasn't there. You walked into the kitchen and got yourself an apple and ate it. You heard the front door open and a few groans. There was a thud and you walked out to see Matter breathing heavily with his hands on his knees and Steve on the floor with his chest slowly rising.

      "What the hell?" You ran over to Steve and helped him sit up. He looked at you and hugged you tightly.
      "I needed his code and this is the easiest way to get it." Matter spoke before reaching down and tying Steve's hands together.
       "Steve do you want some water? Or food?" You ignored Matter. He made a grunt noise and walked off.
      "Potion?" He barely got out.
      "Yea come on." You walked him to the couch and ran over to your potions room. You grabbed a healing one and brought it back to Steve.
      "Thanks." He whispered before drinking it. He took a deep breathe. Matter walked over with a syringe and you stood up to block him.
       "What are you doing?" You angrily asked.
       "I'm knocking him out. It's easier to work when they aren't fighting you." He went to go past you and you moved in front of you.
       "Move or you'll have the same fate."
      "N-" you were interrupted.
      "Y/n just let him do it. I'm no help right now anyway." Steve said grabbing your hand. You turned to him.
      "Steve you don't have to." He smiled weakly at you and turned to Matter.
      "Go ahead." You looked between them as the needle sank into his arm. Steve's eyes closed and he fell asleep.
       "How long will he be out?" You questioned.
      "A whole day, long enough for me to mess with his code and bring him home." You sighed and went towards the kitchen again. You picked up your apple and kept eating.
       "Can you make a cake? And harvest the garden." Matter said walking into the kitchen.
       "Yea." You walked outside to harvest the crops.

      Once you finished harvesting you brought everything inside and stored it. You then grabbed a bucket and went looking for a cow. You were wondering around outside listening to find a cow. You finally found one and began milking it. After finishing up you turned around and saw Herobrine walking up to you. You looked around frantically and didn't see Matter.

      "What are you doing here?" You asked.
      "I wanted to come and tell you that Notch might have found a way to remove Matter, but you might not like it." You looked at him confused.
       "We have to remove your memories. He's put his code in there and Notch needs to take time to remove him. You'll be without your memories for about four months." You nodded.
       "I know he's in my memories. He told me earlier today. I'm ok with that. But I want to be there. Early tomorrow morning come here, I'll come with you to Notch's and we can take Steve." Herobrine looked confused by the last part.
      "Steve is here. Matter kidnapped him and knocked him out. He's messing with his code." Herobrine nodded.
      "I'll tell Notch. I will be here tomorrow morning, be ready."
      "Will do." You hugged him before he teleported away.

      You walked in with the milk and began making a cake. Once you were finished you brought a piece to Matter and ate one yourself. You were nervous but ready for tomorrow.

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