Get Together

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You let go of Herobrine and stood up. You stuck your hand out to help him up and he took it.

"We should go see if Jordan and Alex are back." You spoke.
"I can't. Y/n you know im dangerous I can't put them in danger." You sigh.
"Herobrine, I swear you won't hurt them, I'll make sure of that. You do know it's not you though right?" You reassured.
"But it's my body, I can't control it." His eyes teared up again and you hugged him.
"I promise you we will be ok." That was a promise to him as much as it was to yourself. You were definitely worried.
"How are we going to stop this?" Herobrine asked, holding you at arms length.
"My only thought is Notch. I know you guys aren't besties or anything but he will help you."
"Fine." Herobrine agreed rather quickly. You were happy about it.
"Good. Now let's go visit Alex and Jordan." You went to your room to pack as Herobrine did the same.

You grabbed their gifts and packed your bag. Once you were all packed you headed out of your room to wait for Herobrine. He walked out with his bag and a big smile. You both headed to Alex's.

After a day of traveling you made it to Alex's. You knocked on the door and heard some shuffling around. The door opened and there stood Alex.

"Y/n! Herobrine! It's so good to see you guys!" Alex hugged you then Herobrine. Alex let you two in and Jordan walked out from some hallway.
"Y/n!" Jordan ran up and hugged you tightly.
"Have you been having fun bud?" You asked looking at him.
"Lots of fun. What about you?"
"It's been fun. Hero and I built a house for me." You informed. At that Jordan turned to Herobrine.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Jordan, y/n's brother." He Stuck his hand out and Herobrine shook it.
"I'm Herobrine, y/n's friend." He smiled back and Jordan looked proud. Bro why?
"Are you guys hungry? I have freshly picked watermelon." Alex spoke from the doorway to the kitchen.
"Oooo watermelon sounds good." You replied. Jordan and Herobrine were speaking over to the side so you went with Alex into the kitchen.
"Need any help?" You offered.
"Nope, I'm all good. I was cutting it up when you guys came." She grabbed a large plate with a bunch of watermelon. You both walked back into the living room to see the boy still talking.
"We should really invite Steve. I feel bad having us all here without him." Alex suggested.
"Good idea. It would take a day to get there. I could go get him?" You offered.
"I have 2 horses. You and I could go get him, it would only take about 3 hours to get there by horse." You nodded.
"Let's tell the Boys." Now she nodded. You stood up and walked over to where they were speaking. They both stopped and looked at you, causing you to feel slightly awkward.
"Uh, Alex and I are going to get Steve so he can chill with us. The round trip should be about 6 hours, so we should be back tonight." You informed.
"Do you want me to come with?" Herobrine asked.
"No, it's fine. Alex and I are gonna go. You two can have some boy time." You laughed slightly.
"Ok." You smiled and got you stuff. Then decided you should tell Jordan about whoever possessed Herobrine.
"Jordan can I talk with you for just a moment?" You questioned from the other part of the room.
"Yea." He walked over and you prepared yourself.
"So, something is going on with Hero, he sometimes gets like possessed by someone else. He isn't mean unless you call him Hero or question him. I don't want to scare you, and it might not even happen, I just want you to be prepared." Jordan nodded and you hugged him.
"We'll be back soon!" You said to both Herobrine and Jordan. You and Alex walked out and to her horses.
"Ready?" She questioned. You nodded.

You both mounted the horses and took off. You rode for awhile and would occasionally slow down for the horses to get a drink. You told Alex about whoever was in Herobrine and about how you both would go to Notch's to hopefully help him. Alex agreed it was a good idea. Alex then told you all about the fun adventure she had with Jordan. They both seemed happy to hang out.

After only 3 hours you could see Steve's house. You both rode up and hopped off your horses. You walked up and knocked on the door. Steve answered and looked happy to see you both

"Alex! Y/n!" He hugged you both and you smiled.
"So, what brings you two here?" He questioned.
"Herobrine and y/n's brother are at my house. We were wondering if you wanted to come join us, it's like a little get together." Alex informed.
"I'd love to! Let me pack." He rushed to his room and You and Alex walked in.

      After Steve had packed he got on his horse and you rode away. You arrived back at Alex's when it was dark. When you walked in Jordan was fast asleep on the chair, and Herobrine was snoozing on the couch.

      "Well, I guess we can socialize tomorrow." Alex joked.
      "Good idea." Steve then nods in agreement.
      "Well, y/n, you can follow me to a bed room, Steve you know where you room is." You nodded and walked with Alex. You had visited her multiple times but never stayed over night. She walked down a hallway and into a smaller room. It had a bed and a bedside table.
      "This will be your room. Goodnight." Alex smiled and walked out. You went into the bathroom and quickly showered.

      You crawled into the bed and quickly drifted off.

       You felt a little shove on your shoulder and grumbled. You turned yourself. You felt another touch and realized someone was in there. You groaned and sat up. The room was still pitch black. You turned your head to the person and saw the glowing red eyes of whoever was possessing Herobrine.

      "Where are we?" The questioned.
      "This is why you woke me up?! I'm trying to sleep. It's the middle of the damn night." You groan.
      "Where are we?" He asks again.
      "Let me go back to bed. We are at Alex's." You yawned and laid back down.
      "Why?" You rolled your eyes, knowing he couldn't see you do it.
      "Because we are friends and we want to hang out. Now go to sleep." You turned your back to them and heard a huff. The bed dipped slightly and you sat up at the speed of light.
      "What are you doing?" You questioned while he was sitting on the bed.
      "Going to bed." He said calmly.
      "Go sleep on the couch. I'm in this bed." He just blinked.
      "No." He laid down and you groaned. Normally, you probably wouldn't care, but because it wasn't the actual Herobrine, you were mad.
       "Fine." You left and walked to the living room. You laid down on the couch and drifted off.

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