I Hate This

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You hear a groan from behind you and turn to see Herobrine on the ground. You rush over to him and squat down.

"Hero! Are you ok?" You helped him up.
"It happened again. Are you ok? I didn't hurt you did I?" He looked worried as he looked you up and down.
"I'm fine. The person didn't seem as mad this time." Herobrine hugged you.
"I hate this. I'm gonna figure out how to get rid of him I swear." He mumbled. You just kept hugging him.
       "I'll help you. I promise." You let go and stood up.
       "How long was I not me? You have a lot done." Herobrine asked looking at the frame of your house.
       "Like 4 hours." You replied nonchalantly.
      "Oh." Herobrine looked really sad at that.

You kept building your house with the help of Herobrine. You thought about what the person had said. Could it be true? No. No way. That's crazy.

      After 5 days of working, your house was finished. You were excited to have a finished house. It was a medium sized modern home shoved into the mountain. The front was almost all windows. The person hasn't returned and Herobrine seemed to be quite a bit happier.

      "Welcome to my home." You joke as Herobrine walked up.
      "Thank you kind lady." He did a goofy bow and walked in. You closed your door and walked to the living room you had created.
       "Would you like a cup of tea, sir?" You said in a bad Posh accent.
      "Could have a glass of water instead?" He said back with an equally as bad accent. You both busted out laughing.
      "Thank you so much for your help. It would have taken so much longer if it wasn't for you." You genuinely appreciated his help.
      "You're Welcome. Thanks for letting me tag along. I've been having a great time." Herobrine has a huge smile.
       "Well, it's late. I'm gonna head to bed. Wanna see if Alex and Jordan are back tomorrow?" Herobrine nodded.
      "Cool. Night!" You walked off to your room. Herobrine then walked to the guest room.


       You were walking through a large flower field. Everything was great, the sun was shining, there was a warm breeze. You couldn't ask for a better day. In the distance you saw someone. As you got closer that someone turned into Herobrine. This wasn't Herobrine though, it was him with red eyes.

       "Who are you?" You asked him once again.
       "I told you. I'm Herobrine." You shook your head and tried to step back but couldn't.
       "You're not Herobrine." You confidently spoke. He just had an evil smile.
       "You're wrong." The person lunges forward and stabbed a sword through your chest. You looked down, shocked.
       You then looked back at the person to see them split. On the left was Herobrine, out of breathe, on the floor. To the right was a completely white figure in a dark blue cloak. He had a small smile on his face as the world went fuzzy.

~end of dream~

       You woke up abruptly and sat up. You looked around and didn't see anyone. You were sweating like crazy. You decided to jump in the shower. While showering you thought of the dream. Who was that man?

       You get out of the shower and dress yourself. You look outside and guess it's like 5 in the morning. It's still dark but the sun is trying to peak over the horizon. You decide to get some food. You walk into the kitchen and begin cooking an egg.

      Two hours later you're just sitting on your couch staring in the distance. You still didn't know who that was and what the dream was supposed to mean. You decided that you were totally overthinking everything. You sighed and laid back against the arm of your couch. After a few minutes you heard a door open and close and waited for Herobrine to walk in.

       Instead of the normal Herobrine the other person came floating in. You could tell because Herobrine always stood straight and tall, and this person always floated and was weirdly proper. You rolled your eyes and just laid back against the couch.

       "Good morning, y/n." He spoke.
       "Morning Herobrine." He floated towards the kitchen.
       "Could you make me some bacon?" He questioned from in there.
       "You know how to make it. I'm comfy." You groaned.
       "No, I do not know how to." He spoke so odd it freaked you out. You sighed.
      "Fine." You went to the fridge and got the bacon and began cooking it.

       You mumbled some things as you cooked and could feel his presence behind you. You tried not to get annoyed but you were sick of this guy. Even if Herobrine didn't want to, you would be going to Notch. Your journey would start as soon as the real Hero was back.

       "What are you thinking about?" The person asked from behind you.
       "My next adventure." You simply replied.
       "Where are you going?"
       "That's what I'm thinking about." You turned with a plate full of bacon and handed it to him. He took it and sat at the table.
       "Why don't you show up in your own body?" You suddenly question. He stops eating and looks up at you.
       "I'm working on it." He replied shortly. He then went back to eating, but you could tell he was upset.
       "What's taking you so long? I wanna talk to Hero not you." You knew what you were doing and you didn't care.
       "I have to make sure it's perfect." He said through gritted teeth.
       "Hurry it up already." You rolled your eyes.  He growled. He was done eating and stood up.
       "You need to get rid of your attitude."
      "You need to get rid of your temper." You shot back.
       "Listen, I'm a lot more powerful than you realize. You need to listen to me before you get hurt." He said taking a step closer to you. You step forward too and stand up straight.
       "I don't care how fucking powerful you think you are, you're in my house so you listen to me." You point an accusing finger at his chest.
       "I don't fucking care if this is your house. I'm in charge around here." He said stepping closer. You were looking almost directly up to see him. You shoved at his chest and he stumbled back.
       "You do not threaten me in my home." You sneered.
       "Listen here little miss, you are no longer in charge around here and you will listen to me." He's repeating himself. You roll your eyes.
       "No." You cross your arms. He grabs the collar of your shirt once again and you grab his wrist trying to make him let go. He lifts you and you kick.
       "Let go of me you fucker!" You kicked desperately.
       "Shut up." He said through gritted teeth.
      "No I will not! You set me down!" You kicked more. You could feel your breathing become restricted as your shirt choked you. His eyes change and they are white. Herobrine's face turns confused and he lets go of you. You drop to the floor, landing on your knees.
      "Y/n! I'm so sorry. I told you I was dangerous." He looked concerned and wouldn't come near you.
      "It's not your fault Hero, I provoked him." His eyes teared and you reached forward and hugged him. He resisted at first but finally hugged back.

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