Chapter 8- Master Yoda

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My brain had been on overdrive, constantly replaying our kiss for the umpteenth time that morning. It was all I thought about, I was so infatuated by him. And despite everything, the one thing I kept coming back to was that the murderer and the Jedi killer actually kissed me.

It was too difficult to recall anything else that occurred that day. I was in such a daze, too distracted to do anything really for the rest of that evening.

But that was days ago.

Time was moving by faster than expected. The First Order had loosened their reigns on us just slightly and allowed me to still be somewhat of a ruler.

"Your Grace, your coronation will be happening soon! How do you feel?" asked Iylin excitedly as she started styling my hair for the day.

She was in fact right. It had been close to a month now since the First Order had begun their rule over us, and over a week since I last was around Kylo. Even under their reign, I would become queen in a matter of two months. It felt so close and yet still a lifetime away. My thoughts had been more than a little distracted by his arrival.

"I am ecstatic to serve as queen, thank you for asking Iylin," I replied with a smile as she continued the intricate braids. My head was already sore, and my headpiece had not even been put on yet. This particular one was bejeweled and sparkled like diamonds in our bright sunlight.

My dress had intricate beadwork all throughout the bodice and was a bright blue. Although in my mind I was still struggling to come to terms with being a princess, my outfits and handmaids helped to make it more of a reality. Finally, after almost two weeks, all my prior injuries were nearly healed by now. It helped the beautification process immensely.

As Iylin finished my braids and started to pin my hair, she turned to face me.

"Princess, have you ever considered relations with General Brayer?" she asked.

Iylin's young face peered up at me innocently. She was genuinely curious, meaning no harm by the question. She was still too young to understand, having the purity of a young child's mind.

"Yes, I may have considered it once or twice, but I believe we are not compatible. He is a kind gentleman of course but-"

"But isn't that what the people want in a king?"

I huffed, rather annoyed. And so, the questions would start once more on my need for a king. I in fact did not want a king to rule beside me, only trying to dominate my ruling. I was capable of leading this planet all on my own, but people had trouble with that idea. I had never been involved with anyone romantically and I believed a strong leader needed that type of restraint.

"Iylin, I will not have a king, I intend to rule alone."

Although Atlas was honestly quite fit to be king, it would be to another princess on another planet. He was the kind of friend who you knew through all your childhood, and everyone always assumed you were together or that you'd eventually be together one day. I did not believe that day would ever happen for us, however.

"Yes, Your Grace, I'm sorry for asking," she replied quietly. Her own long French braid swung around her shoulder as she left with the other handmaids after my headpiece was put on and the look was complete.

She wanted a fairytale like every other young girl, the hope of one day our planet being ruled by a happy couple. But that was not going to happen, at least not with me in charge.

Unfortunately, I knew that our prior democratic leadership was still missed by many, and that this had a decent chance of failing. I would be a fool to not see that it wasn't just Iylin who wanted the perfect monarchy. Most of the citizens assumed that when we were switching to this ruling, they would get not just a queen, but a king as well.

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