Chapter 10- I'm Yours (NSFW)

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       A few days later, I was called upon to go to Kylo's ship. Besides the hint of excitement I had at his call, I was also reasonably anxious. Knowing I had done so well staying away from him and now was forced to see him. I was worried that he had some sort of reason for bringing me there, one that I perhaps was not ready for yet.

     As I entered the First Order's premises, the stormtroopers were quick to escort me to Kylo's quarters. I tried to hold my head high still and continue to hold on somewhat to the confidence that I had finally managed to develop.

     It was business as usual inside the ship, solemn faced officers and hundreds of stormtroopers preparing for battles in other systems or to continue duty here. I would only lift my eyes for a second to observe what was happening around me and tried to otherwise keep my eyes straight ahead, showing no sign of weakness.

     "Good luck princess," the stormtrooper said with a laugh before leaving me alone in front of the large metal doors. As I went to approach the keypad to open the door, it whooshed open on its own, and I saw him.

     His cape dragged the ground as he said one word to me and turned his back.


     I was on his heels and was met by the familiarity of the darkness his quarters held. This time however, he did not lead me to the empty room we had been in previously. He took a sharp left turn and we arrived at a different set of rooms.

     His hand was scanned in on the electronic pad and it lit green at his touch. As the door opened, I was pleasantly surprised. It was a normally furnished place, stark white but clean and tidy.

     "Is—" I caught my words before letting them all go, not knowing if I was allowed to talk.

     "Is this your place?" I asked quietly, searching for eye contact in the black eyehole of his mask. The door shut closed with the Force and with that, his mask was off.

     I had my first look at the scar that dashed across his face and down his neck since I saw him last so long ago. It was healing well and made no impact on how breathtaking he was.

     His looks were paralyzing, I couldn't turn away from the eyes that held me. Eyes deep and dark as the night, yet there was something that sparked them with warmth, that kept his eyes from being cold.

     "You're my guest," he said in his deep booming voice, the echoing taking effect in how spacious his room was. His gaze left mine as he turned his back and took his cowl off.

     I wondered how many of the same outfit he had in his closet. Ten? Twenty? It seemed like he always wore the same thing.

     He managed to let out a quiet chuckle before tossing his cape to the side as well. He had seemingly read my thoughts.

     "Look at your outfit. I suppose you have some more diversity in your clothing choices however," he said lightly, offering me a normal conversation with him.

     I laughed under my breath, glancing down at my lavish gown, but was left standing there awkwardly. I wrapped my arms around myself to offer some security. It wasn't that I felt unwelcome, but more or so the growing tension filling the room was uncomfortable. And so was that conversation. He was suddenly going to speak to me normally? Like he didn't try to kill me over a month ago? Or that I wasn't someone he hated, or that we hadn't seen each other in forever.

     My thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he turned back to me and kissed me. His hair tickled my cheek as I let my hands finally run through his obsidian locks. He didn't refuse the touch and I found myself more insistent with the kiss, urging my tongue to meet his as the kiss grew fierier. As his gloved hand reached down past my breasts, I let mine glide down to meet his noticeable bulge.

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