Chapter 17- The Return

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It was nightfall when the news arrived.

Even just from the rumors I heard, I knew that she was a beacon of light for so many. Despite any prior negative feelings I may have held for her, this was a widespread devastation.

Rey was dead.

When she went to turn Kylo, they both turned on the Supreme Leader. After their battle with the praetorian guards, Rey died from her injuries. This did not stop Kylo from fighting his previous master anyways, as him and Luke Skywalker battled on a faraway planet resulting in Luke's unfortunate death.

In my final meeting with the Galactic Senate before turning over my position, I was informed of the entirety of these revelations. It killed me not hearing it from Kylo directly, but he was now the Supreme Leader.

And that title was a really big deal for most people in the galaxy. I realized that in his new position, only more violence, death, and torture would come.

The Resistance was nearly ruined. If Kylo and his army did not leave Crait when they did, all the Resistance members would be dead by now. My planet was the one who interfered. We transmitted a message for the First Order that was "urgent" enough to catch Kylo's attention, convincing him to leave.

But it was a lie, a stupid lie that Atlas had conjured up to try and save their members. And I felt horrible for lying to Kylo. I knew that anything urgent regarding me would become top priority for him and I used it to my advantage.

The only silver lining was that I did something for the greater good and kept Atlas happy in the process. Yes, I lied, but at least I didn't lose any of our troops, or sacrifice myself or any of my leaders. I found a way to create enough of a distraction that would save them and have Kylo return.

Even if it was for my own selfish reasons.

This lie meant that I would have to face him, and that his ship was charted on a direct path back to our planet. And when he found out what I did, that I lied... I didn't want to think about how he'd react. I could only imagine how much fury he'd started carrying around now in the wake of all the surrounding deaths. I pushed the thought out of my mind for now.

Today was my coronation.

I had never had my handmaids spend so long on my hair and makeup. Every single aspect had to be exquisite. From my ridiculously large, feathered headpiece, to my extravagant gown that was flown in all the way from Devaron. I had never truly felt like a queen until now.

All our inhabitants would gather in Hanna City for this momentous occasion. It would be the first time our people would all come together since the intrusion of the First Order.

This was a happy time, I had to constantly remind myself. If I let my mind wander too much, I would just grow upset again.

It was wonderful though to see how ecstatic all my friends were. Vera had straightened her gorgeous bouncing curls for the first time since I met her and was fitted with her own lavish gown as she would be deemed the official hand of the queen. Perhaps a title that she was a bit underqualified for, but it would keep her close to me.

Of course, I allowed Iylin to also have a bigger part in the ceremony as well. I couldn't imagine doing this without her.

I may not have had the biggest circle of companions, but those I did have were the best.

With the final fitting of my gown, it was time. Every last inch of me had been scoured for any imperfections, the train of my dress having been laid to perfection.

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