Chapter 18- Join Me (NSFW)

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My eyes fluttered open as I found myself pressed against the soft mattress instead of Kylo's body. I let out a muffled scream and wrapped the white sheets closer around my body as the cold air wafted through the bedroom.

It had been less than twenty-four hours since he was back, and he had left me yet again.

I heard the bathroom door open, but I was so tired that I didn't want to bother focusing on the noise. I felt a hand brush across my cheek and a kiss planted on my forehead. I smiled instantaneously.

"Good morning," I heard his husky morning voice say in my ear.

I finally opened my eyes and my mouth dropped open.

Kylo was completely naked. His hair was slick and still dripping wet from his shower. The towel that once hung at his waist was now being carelessly thrown through his hair to dry it off.

He noticed my obvious stare and smirked to himself. As he continued to walk around like he owned the place, I found myself becoming more and more turned on. The heat pooling between my legs was a clear reminder at how long it had been since we had sex.

"Stop with the teasing, please just get over here now," I finally said.

"I'm usually the one giving the orders but okay."

I pulled the covers off my own naked body and rose to a kneeling position. Kylo was quick to approach me and forcefully grab my neck.

His tongue was roughly taking over mine as a harsh kiss ensued with his hands finding my breasts immediately. He trailed one finger around my nipple slowly. The small gesture sent a shiver down my spine.

"Turn around. Hands and knees. Now."

His tone was demanding. He knew what he wanted and was going to get it.

I did as he asked and turned around so the back of me now faced him in a still kneeling position. It wasn't good enough however as his rough hands were pushing my back and head down farther into the bed, so my ass was on display.

His hand struck me as he slapped my ass and grabbed a fistful of it. Shockwaves pulsated through my cold skin. I was suddenly met with the familiar feeling of his hard cock against my aching body.

"Are you going to be a good girl for me?"

"Yes," I whimpered into the bed.

Another slap was across my back end. I flinched instinctively.

"Yes what?" he asked assertively.

"Yes, sir."

He inserted himself and I gasped at the feeling. A long groan escaped his lips as well, the pleasure seeping between our bodies harmoniously.

"Fuck, I missed this," he said breathily.

His strokes grew faster as he grabbed a fistful of hair and forcibly held me down. The intensity of it all was nearly too much to bear, his cock was so big and stretched me out considerably.

As my hand went to help my pulsing clit, I was stopped in my tracks.

"Absolutely not," he said aggressively. A loud animalistic moan escaped as the Force now swirled at my clit.

I realized that moan came from me.

The feeling was indescribable as I gripped the sheets harder with the pressure building in my abdomen. Kylo was now balls deep in me as he slammed his body against mine with every stroke.

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