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Bright's kisses were hot and full of lust. I couldn't find any feelings in it. They were just kisses to satisfy his hunger- our hunger towards each other.

The defeaning silence of the room was broken by his soft moans and groans.

"You want this huh?" he seductively whispered as he grabbed my hair to tilt my head sideways so he could have more access in kissing me.

I didn't know how to respond.

He's very wild in bed and I bet everyone in the industry knows that. I just don't know if they are aware that Bright likes men more than anything else.

His kisses were deep and harsh. It almost burned my skin but I couldn't care less. I have loved this man since we were in college. He was my senior and I always looked up to him as a guy who do things passionately. Like how he is now, he was also harsh and ruthless way back then. He likes everyone to play by his rules and no one can ever go against him.

"Wait Bright, are you sure about this?" I asked, still panting because of our kisses.

"The hell I am! You're not gonna spill the beans, right?" he asked. His voice was seductive and a little begging at the same time.

Win, you fool, he's just being seductive! Why the fuck would he beg!?

I slowly nodded and he started kissing me again. From my lips, down to my neck where I felt a small pang just below my ear when he bit it, down to my shoulder where he sucked every skin his mouth touches, while his hands were busy caressing my skin.

I felt his growing bulge just above my thighs where he's positioned. I groaned as he lifted my shirt and started to play with my nipples. The flick of his tongue can make wonders, I swear to the gods, and his hot breath left me going crazy as I pulled his hair so I can guide him back to kissing.

All my inhibitions earlier were gone. They were replaced with lust and passion for the guy I am with. I know I don't have a chance in him but if this is the only I way I can get close to him, then so be it!

I pushed him sideways just so I can be on top of him. I saw his surprised reaction but I couldn't care less. I kissed his lips once more, down to his neck and shoulder, to his hard rock abdomen, until I came face to face with his pants. I looked up to him as I touched him down there, and I liked the idea of being in control over him. I liked the idea that I can affect him this way, even if it's just for fun and not all about hearts and flowers.

"Take it off." he commanded.

I obliged and quickly unbuttoned his pants and freed his fly. There I saw how gifted he was yet so angry.

"Suck it."


"Suck it, Win. You want this right?"

He was smiling but there was no humor in it. All I see was anger and... pain.

I nodded and slowly took a taste of its head. It was already moist when I first kissed it then I felt his hand slowly guiding me to go all the way down. I tried but I just couldn't take it all! It was too huge!

"Bright!" I pleaded.

"What Win? You don't want it now? You said you'll shut up if I have sex with you again, right?"

"Let me do it! No need to gag me!" I shouted. I just don't know if that was for when he was gagging me or for the fact that he's an asshole for life!

I slowly sucked on it and stopped talking to him. My mind was once again polluted by him. His deep voice when he moans, his dark brown eyes when he stares at me everytime we do this, everything about him is just... inviting.

I continue to suck him and all I heard were curses.

"Damn you suck so good, Win." he said and quickly pulled me in for another kiss. "Come now, it's my turn to pleasure you..." he whispered as he laid me down and once again, he's on top.

He got a foil from the bedside table and in one swift move, he's already wearing it. He smiled at me once again before kissing me until I felt a sharp pain inside me. Damn this guy! Can't he be considerate of his fck buddy's ass for once!

"Bright, slowly!" I demanded but he never listens. He threw me a ridiculous smirk before locking me in his arms, his head burried deep in my shoulder as he move fast and hard.

"Damn, why are you so tight, Win? Haven't you done this to other guys?" he whispered but I didn't answer.

It's useless anyway. All the questions and topics we talk about when we're in bed, will not be important anymore once we're done. This PR Manager and Model relationship is not as how everyone think it is. We are always together because of the projects but little do they know, Bright has always been a dick to do other projects than shooting a photo.

My heart ached by the thought of Bright being so heartless and naive; the fact that he won't see me as a person who loves him is another story; but I couldn't let it reflect in my eyes. Not now that he's enjoying every bit of his thrust and pull in me.

Just this once, Win. One last time.

His moves went faster and harsher. I can see droplets of water on his forehead and on his chiseled chest. He looks glorious while banging me but I couldn't feel anything anymore. I feel numb and it's scary.

I fake my moans the whole time just so he'll be satisfied. In one deep thrust, I felt the sharp pain again as he pulled his fly outside me and pour his everything. He smiled devilishly before leaving me breathless.

He went straight to the shower- no cuddles or anything.

I was tired- physically and mentally. I never really thought I would find myself in this situation after college. The pain I endured while he flirted with girls and guys in college were all just little things to me now. The pain I'm feeling right now can't be compared as to how I felt years ago. This one's the real pain. It's not just a pang, it's not just a nudge but I would describe it as a stab in the chest while scrapping it with a razor.

The idea of loving someone is really great when you're young, but as you grow older, you realize that love comes in different shapes and sizes. Love comes when you expected it not to. Love couldn't be forced. Love is not always equal to happiness. Love is pain. Love is a gamble. Love is a reality, not a fantasy.

And... Maybe, love is not for everyone.

Maybe love is not just for me? Maybe Bright... is not just for me.

I heaved a sigh and smiled bitterly as I break away from my thoughts. I can't keep on living like this. I have a name to make and a career to build.

I can't just sit around all the time, waiting for Bright to finish his photoshoot and have dinner in his van while he eats with his friends.

Tears started to blur my eyes but I can't let him see it. He's in the shower now and it's now or never.

Slowly, I took my clothes and started dressing up. I got my phone and started to compose a message for the management that I will be no longer working for them starting tomorrow. I'll just send the email when I get back home.

I have been his PR Manager for half a year now and I can say that Bright has always been a good model and a nice person inside but I can't neglect the fact that I have fallen for him deeper than I should have. I don't know how far this love has taken me since I was in college but I guess all things must really come to an end.

I breathe slowly as I tried to calm myself as I wear my shoes and I'm ready to go.

Bright wouldn't mind if I leave without telling him right?

Of course not, you fool!

I smiled bitterly once again before getting my things and walked towards the door of his unit. With all my bottled up feelings with me, I wish that after I step out of this door, everything will be forgotten; everything shall pass; hoping that one day these series of nightmare called love will just be a blurry memory of my childish self. That once upon a time, I fell in love and broke my heart multiple times and swore that I will never be as naive as the old me- and hopefully, this man named Win, can finally have his Eternal Rest from all the heartaches given by his man, Bright.

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