Chapter 23: Confess

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"Metawin what's taking you lovebirds so long?" Sinee shouted as she knocked on Bright's side of the window.

"Damn it." Bright whispered and looked away from me. "You should go. I'll be with you later."

Now he can't look me in the eyes. I was also uttered speechless and overwhelmed by how quick but on point he said that. I can feel my blood running through my veins going wild like I've taken a drug when in fact I didn't.

The feeling he gave me when he said those words is very... foreign. It's foreign in a way that I haven't felt that way only because someone stated a possibility of him loving me.

I have never felt that - even when I liked my friend in high school... I never felt that. Maybe the thing that I had with my friend before is just a mere attraction or a crush perhaps but with Bright, I can feel many emotions all at once. He made me feel happy, sad and excited all at the same time. Never in my wildest dreams I ever expected this to happen.

Yes, he's the kind of guy that every women or men, I should say, will drool over because of his looks. With his cold but soulful eyes, prominent nose and thin luscious lips... I bet everyone has fantasized this man in front of me.

However, that was not the case for me. I admit that he's attractive but behind that face lies a very gentle man with a caring heart. Maybe his past lovers haven't seen that in him because as per Sinee, his lovers only last for a month or two. No one and absolutely no one was treated this way other than me.

Bright has made me feel special even on my darkest hours. He made me feel reassured and safe everytime I'm with him. I have issues in life and I even showed him my worst side but... he stayed. He stayed for whatever reason... and now that he asked me this question... I don't think I can let it pass. I don't think getting out of this car would be a wise choice.

With all the courage I have in me, I quickly scoot over to open the window where Sinee is.

"Win..." Bright said but I ignored.

"Sinee, go inside. Bright and I are still talking. Tell my mom that you're my friend. Go." I said with finality as I closed the window again.

I bravely faced Bright who is now looking at me like I did something weird. I let his expression there as I tried my best to make his question clear. I need the full context; I just don't want to assume.

"Bright," I started and he looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Are you saying that you are in love with me? Do you love me?" I asked and swallowed the lump in my throat.

I can't contain my feelings anymore. My heart is about to go out of my rib cage and I swear it's working extra hard this very moment.

I saw him heaved a sigh before facing me again with all seriousness.

"Win I asked you first... What if? I mean what if I told you that? Would you accept me? Would you also love me given the circumstances we're in? Would you love me even I barely have time for you? W-Would you love me even there's a possibility that we get exposed and your name would get drag with me? Are you okay with that? "

He bombarded me with questions and I can't help but smile at him. He's the most straightforward and ruthless man I have ever met but he's also the only man who made me feel loved. If this thing between us isn't love then I don't know what to call it. I have never been so concerned for a person before up to the extent of protecting him even if it means hiding what we have. I want that too. I want my partner to be proud of me- for what we have. But if it means ruining his name then I think it's better this way.

It's better to be in a relationship secretly. No one has to know. Going public would only give us bragging rights that we are dating each other but other than that... I don't think we can gain anything from doing so. Besides, it's just the two of us who are in a relationship. We don't need comments from others nor their prying attention towards us.

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