Chapter 19: You Will Get Used To It

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Our day went well. Bright and I decided to have dinner by the bay once again. We saw some locals who wanted to take a picture with him. I told him we should be careful now that there are people who noticed that he's here and he agreed to me.

I just can't help but to worry about his image. He's a public figure - a well-known model and a son of a conglomerate chairman. I can't let anyone ruin him just because of this thing with us.

If the price of this happiness would mean hiding it forever then I'll deal with the consequences later. Mom said to be selfish for once for my own happiness and that's what I'm doing.

The following days has been filled with laughter and more pictures taken by my personal photographer, Bright. We also went to the market to look for cheap things that we can buy and I saw a set of color pencils and a drawing pad so I bought one. I also bought a few charcoal pencils - one of each kind.

Sketching has been my hobby since I was a kid. When I was in primary school, I would always try to draw the flowers that bloomed in our garden until I developed my skill and now I love sketching for sceneries and seldom times, I design clothes for my Mom to look at.

I don't really intend to follow my Mom's footsteps but I am really curious how will it turn out if I decide to shift courses and take fashion design instead of business management.

"What are you thinking?" Bright spoke, pulling me out of my reverie. He sat next to me while I appreciate the beauty of the night lights that enveloped the whole resort.

I sighed and shook my head. The night wind blew and I hugged myself as I played with the sand on my feet.

"Nothing. Just random stuff." I smiled at him and looked at the drawing pad I have in my lap. I decided earlier to draw the picturesque scenery of the front beach. It went well. I managed to draw it but Bright haven't seen it yet. I was alone when I came here while he talks to the phone about his schedule when we get back tomorrow.

I stayed in the shore for quite some time until the sun already set and the sky was painted with black already.

"Hmm... Are you thinking about the things we left at home?" he curiously asked and I shook my head.

I honestly started to not care that much anymore. He said he can take care of his issues with Luna and I believe him. But I can't ignore the fact that this thing between us will forever be a secret. It's fine for me as long as he retains his name then I can keep this whole thing until I die.

"I'm not thinking about anything. I already planned to talk to Aziel when we get home, also, I trust that you will handle your issues with Luna."

He smiled at me and held my hand.

"Sorry if our situation is complicated." he bitterly said and I shook my head.

"It's totally fine." I replied and bit my lower lip.

I will lie to myself if I say that it is indeed fine for me. Well party, it is but part of me is still imagining how things will turn out if we just don't care about the things the both of us will lose in the process if we shout to the world what we have.

"I have to say something to you." he opened up a new topic and now my attention is on him.

"What is it?"

"I have work in Dubai and Paris for two months. I only have a month left to stay here and take my finals before I leave." he sadly said and hugged me from the side.

"Why do you look so sad?" I asked and he looked up to me to only raise his eyebrow.

"Aren't you even sad?" he asked and I shook my head. "Wow Metawin!"

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