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I stared at Win sitting at the bar while a stranger talks to him. The guy was very friendly and when he drape his arm around Win's shoulder, I felt insanely uncomfortable. I brushed off the arms of the girl I am with and told her that I should go back to the couch with my friends. The idea of Win talking to random guys inside the club sent shivers down my spine - not because I dislike it but because I'm uncomfortable with it. I just want to tear the arms of the man away from him!

"Bro, you alright?" Mew asked and I glared at him before grabbing the glass of whisky on the table. I drank it all and hissed at the bitterness it gave me.

"I'm fine." I briefly said and threw a glance at Win who is now walking towards the comfort room with that stranger. Damn it!

Mew and Gulf started to scout some girls and Zee stayed on the couch while drinking and playing with his phone. On the other hand, I stayed there, waiting for Metawin to come out of that comfort room.

It took him quite some time before I spotted him walking with the man next to him. I clenched my jaw as I controlled every little feeling I have inside me.

I have been so fucked up for the past weeks because of this guy. He woke me up that day and something inside me turned in an instant. I wanted to punch him but his chubby cheeks told me not to. I have never appreciated a man's feature like I did to him and it's weird because everything was so foreign to me and yet I felt so sure with every actions I did when I'm with him.

I woke up the next day feeling so tired when I saw a video of Metawin kissing the guy I saw last night. My insides burned and I almost threw my phone at the wall but I chose not to. I held on to it as I scrolled through the comments and saw that one of my acquaintances at school mentioned me in a comment. The person asked if Win's my friend and I quickly denied it.

I just don't know what to feel after I watched the video. I am burning inside and I want to get even with him but I also don't want to hurt him in any way possible. I have been thinking about this feeling inside me and I honestly don't know how to assess it.

Win has been avoiding me since then. The people who commented on that post got summoned in the VPAA's office and I was surprised when I got abstained from the verdict.

"Bright, right?" said a familiar man in front of me as I walked through the corridor. I threw him an uninterested glance and he seriously faced me. "What's your relationship with my cousin? What's your relationship with Win? "

My forehead creased and leaned on the wall as I properly faced him.

"What is your relationship with him?" I reiterated and he smirked as he cocked his head on the side.

"I'm his cousin and I was the one who reported the video to the university's administration." he cleared his throat and proudly faced me. "Do you like my cousin?"

"Bro what the fuck?" I hissed and he smirked at me.

"Thought so. I just don't get it why he's liking a straight man." my eyes widened at his confession and he continued. "Thank Metawin for removing you from the list or else you could have been one of those people who will be suspended. Also, do my cousin the biggest favor... leave him alone. He has enough problem in his plate - having you is another issue."

With that, Win's cousin went on his way leaving me dumbfounded. He likes me? Win likes me?

Something inside me rejoiced at the thought of Win liking me but I am still confused. Why I am attracted to this guy is something that I need to discover myself.

"Why is my name not on the list?" I asked Win as I saw him sitting on the bench with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes and I saw disappointment in them. There was a pang in my chest when I saw that emotion in him but what bothered me the most is the feeling that I am losing someone again.

The Eternal Rest (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now