Chapter 13: Stigma

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Sinee decided to study in their entertainment room. I saw a big flat screen TV in front and the speakers are on the side. A long royal couch shined like a gem at the center of the room together with a center table made of glass that complimented its elegance.

Carpet floors dominated the entire room as Bright and I placed our things on the table.

"Make yourself comfortable Win. I'll ask someone to get us some drinks. I'll get my things real quick. Connect to the wifi, Bright knows the password." she winked at me before looking at Bright. "No cuddling cousin."

"Sinee!" I shouted, surprised at her choice of words.

"Stop it, Sinee. Win is here to study with you." Bright warned her and he slowly pulled me to sit in the couch.

Sinee giggled a little more before she skipped out of the room.

"How did she know?" I asked and he shrugged before smiling at me. "You told her something or what?" he kept silent and I took that as a yes. "Bright!"

"I didn't say anything. We're not even together yet." he pouted like it's a big deal before opening a bag of chips. He gave me the password for the Wi-Fi and stayed silent afterwards.

He didn't talk to me after that. I focused on my paper and started to do my part while Bright eats the chips and started to scroll in his phone.

It didn't take long when Sinee arrived carrying her bag and laptop. She sat on the floor beside me as she set up her laptop.

"So why is Bright here?" she asked and played with her pen.

"I have nothing else to do so I tagged along with him to his work then we went here afterwards." I replied with a straight face as I typed on my laptop.

"That's all? You're in good terms now? After a day?"

I heaved a sigh and faced Sinee. I know I can't hide anything from her but this is Bright we're talking about here. I don't want him to be judged by others let alone his own cousin.

"He's just asking for forgiveness. It's been weeks since that issue popped, Sinee. Don't you think it's time to forgive him?"

"But you said he denied you as a friend. Not to mention he's one of the reasons why that post went viral."

"W-What?" I asked, now puzzled at her remarks.

Bright can't hear us. He's now playing a game in his phone with his airpods on.

"Well he commented so everyone saw it and it immediately spread like wild fire. You know how popular he is in school... or should I say in Thailand?"

"But he's not the one who posted the video. He just commented."

"But he put fuel in it."


"I'm just saying! He's one of the reasons why you got exposed in school! I honestly don't have any issue with you being gay but to accept everything like it was nothing?"

"Sinee he said sorry for like a thousand times already..."

"Fine!" she  gave up and rolled her eyes at me. "But are you sure there's nothing going on between you two?"

"What are you talking about? Bright is straight! He can't possibly like me or worst case scenario, fall in love with me."

"You can't say that." she denied like she was so sure about it.

"What makes you say that?" now I'm curious how she's putting up all the pieces of her story and strangely, it fits perfectly!

"Bright is a very private person. He doesn't like sharing, even a pen! He likes his things organized and clean. He hangs out only with Zee, Mew and Gulf - his childhood bestfriends. He doesn't even talk to me when we meet!"

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