Chapter 16: I Want Them Gone

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My heart beat went wild as I saw Bright walking out of the venue. I don't know where I got my courage to excuse myself in that awkward situation but I did.

I heard my parents and Aziel calling out for me but I ignored them all. I can't let Bright be mad at me because of a misunderstanding again.

The party resumed after I went out of that crowd of ours like no confrontations were made.

"Bright!" I called him but he walked faster until he turned to one of the exits where it leads you to the backdoor of the parking lot. "Bright wait up!" I loudly said, not caring anymore if people will hear us.

I finally managed to grab his arm when we're at the hallway of the exit near the parking lot.


"Do you enjoy this so much Win? You're taking me as a fool?" he shouted and my heartbeat ran faster than it should.

"Bright no..."

"He declared to the whole community that you guys kissed and he's your boyfriend!" he pulled his hair out of frustration as he looked at me with bloodshot eyes. "Win I like so much and I'm honestly going crazy thinking you'll be with another guy than me!"

"Bright it's not what you think... W-We are not together..."

"Then what are you guys! If you really like me then can you please have the decency to reject him as soon as possible? Win it's been a week! A week and he's still sticking his nose to where it doesn't belong! Is he that good of a friend for you not to turn him down? Win I am here... I'm here. Can you please prioritize me?" his voice screamed so much pain as he looked away.

"Bright I'm sorry..."

"For the first time in my life I envy someone so much." he confessed and shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe I envy him for announcing how he likes you very much. Or is that love already? Does he love you?" he asked me harshly and I grew quiet as seconds pass by because honestly... I don't know.

"I-I don't know Bright."

"Fuck!" he cursed and punched the wall really hard and I saw blood in an instant.

"Bright stop it!" I demanded and held his bleeding hand. I quickly got my handkerchief from my pocket and held his hand firmly.

"Let go." he commanded but I refused.

"If you're mad, I understand that but you don't have to hurt yourself!" I shouted and that shut him up. I quickly wrapped my handkerchief on his hand to stop the bleeding of the wound.

"Win it hurts..." he whined and I wanted to punch him in the face. Of course it will! You punched a fucking wall!

"Who in the world punches a wall out of jealousy?" I harshly said- annoyed at his actions.

He sarcastically laughed and shook his head. "Win I'm doubting if this feeling inside me is healthy or not." he confessed and it stunned me. "Liking you is destructive. Liking you is like a ticking bomb; I don't want anyone touching you or I'll end up hurting them." he directly said and got his hand off my reach.

"Bright, Aziel and I are not together..."

"You aren't but in the eyes of the public you are now. What chance do I have over you when he declared that? How can I take you out? How can we go to dates together? How can I court you if he will be there everytime and even the press is there. That's a big issue, Win."

"Bright no..."

"I-I don't know Win..."

"Bright, Metawin, you're here!" a cheerful girly voice stopped our conversation.

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