Chapter 1: Brothers

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"Are you nervous?" Mom asked when she got me to school, first day in the morning.

"Hmm... Not really mom. I'm just wondering what kind of people I am going to meet here. You always say that college is way different than high school." I shrugged and she smiled at me, giving me a nod.

"It is different but always remember, a man with respect will never be in trouble. Just focus on your studies, choose your friends and be respectful." she winked at me before asking me for a hug.

I gave in and hugged her tight. Few more minutes and I found myself bidding my goodbye and walking towards the gate of the university I have chosen.

With my schedule on hand and my bag, I surveyed the whole university starting from its tall buildings, nice ambiance, trees planted all over the place and students running to find their own place or friends.

"Now where should I go..." I talked to my self as I search for my room in this huge college building.

I looked at my schedule again and it says I have Law as my first subject in Room 256.

It took me good 10 minutes until I found myself entering a slided door where I saw quiet students, properly sitting while staring at me.

I took a deep breath before I decided to step in and settle in one of those arm chairs on the side. I sat on the 3rd seat just beside the window where I saw a guy sleeping just in front of me. His back was very broad and I can tell by this time he's been working out a lot.

It didn't take too long until the professor arrived and greeted us. We greeted her back before taking out our notes just in case she's the strict type.

I noticed that the guy in front of me was still sleeping. Isn't he going to wake up? Dude, the prof is there already!

"Hey." someone called me from behind. I looked at her and she smiled at me. "Can you wake up that guy in front of you? I arrived here first and he's been sleeping like that for an hour already. The professor might see him!"

I agreed to her idea because I wouldn't want anyone to get in trouble just because he slept in class and no one bothered to wake him up.

I watch out for our professor's eyes first and when I saw that she's not looking, I quickly tapped the guy's shoulder. I heard him groan but still sleeping. The hell is wrong with you, dude!? First day of school!

This time, I shook his shoulders harder so he can wake up from his morning sleep. For goodness sake, it's 8AM already!

I saw him raised his head and I bet he saw the professor already handing out the syllabus for us.

He looked at me and I saw how intriguing yet arrogant his face was. His eyes were shouting so much coldness, his proud pointed noise, thin pouty lips that has been in a thin line when he looked at me like I did something wrong and his aura that's giving me that danger vibe; it already sent shivers down my spine.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he hissed, just enough for us to hear.

"Bro, chill! I woke you up because the professor is there!"

"The hell I care about the professor!" he whispered but with enough anger seething towards me.

This is guy is crazy. He must really think the university is for someone who likes to sleep!

"You should've stayed at home if that's the case." I said with finality before leaning back to my chair and diverting my attention to my professor.

I wish this prof is the terror type. The guy in front needs a good scolding for his lack of manners! The nerve!

The class wasn't that scary though. Our professor was a little chill for today but she asked us to read chapter 1 of our Law Book. Maybe she'll ask for a recitation next meeting.

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