Chapter 22: Enough

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The following day, Bright and I went to school separately. I asked our driver to come over and pick me up first day in the morning with my clothes so I can change and go to my class. On the other hand, Bright has to meet with the management before going to his class.

We have different classes to take for today. He has a third year subject for today at ten o'clock in the morning while I take my marketing class from eight o'clock upto ten in the morning.

We let each other do the things we have to do as we go our separate ways. I got very preoccupied while looking at the final lesson of our professor for this semester. We will be given a week or two of rest until class resumes again for second semester. We only have this week to study and the following week is all about the final exams of our subjects.

"I am so tired! I should've taken a course that doesn't have math in it!" Sinee screamed out of frustration while we sit on the benches near the field.

"Is there such a course that doesn't have math in it?" I asked as I laughed at her before going back in answering my homework that I haven't done last night.

Thanks to Bright and his romantic ass.

"Well I could have chosen medicine?"

"It has math in it as well and a lot of memorization for the terms. Math won't kill you there that much but memorizing the anatomy of the human body will surely finish you." I chuckled as I continued what I'm doing.

"Ugh! Am I going to fail? I don't want to retake Law and Marketing! I hate it!" she shrieked and I looked at her only to see her really annoyed. "Can we like do a group study? Teach me your ways senpai!"

"Sinee!" I hissed at her when she sounded like an anime p0rn.

She laughed at me as she snaked her arms around mine.

"Can we study today? We don't have classes for solid mensuration because our last lesson has been discussed since last week. We have a lot of time!"

She pouted and nod at me, pursuing me to have a group study.

I heaved a sigh and agreed. I don't see anything wrong with teaching Sinee and some of our classmates if they want to join. I don't want to pass the tests alone- I want all of us to pass.

"Yay! I'll ask around who wants to join us!" she giggled as she took her phone and started to compose a message.

"We need to submit our homework first and these papers to Miss Rinlaphat. She expects us to submit on or before 2PM."

"Alright!" she giggled and immediately went back in answering our homework.

An hour passed and we managed to finish the compilation we need for the papers. We neatly put it in a sliding folder as we decided to go now so we can eat our late lunch after.

We walked towards the hallway up to the faculty to submit our papers. Sinee and I went inside as we approached Miss Rinlaphat.

"Hi miss, here's our paper for the final requirement." Sinee proudly said as she handed her the sliding folder.

"Thank you so much." she smiled at us. "Oh can you do me a favor? Can you remind your classmates that I will not give extensions for this paper? I have to leave at exactly two in the afternoon."

"Will do miss. Thank you."  Sinee replied and got her phone as we bid our goodbyes.

"Thanks. See you next week for the exam."

We nodded in unison as we got out of the room. Sinee and I started to walk when I saw a familiar figure talking to a professor in the hallway.

"I see you like everywhere! Congratulations on your success Luna." the familiar professor said and Luna laughed with him.

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