Chapter 25: I'd Rather Not

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I stared at the picture of her hand longer than usual. I saw some comments on the picture saying it was so pretty and the jewelry was made for her.

Maybe she's the type of girl who likes to show off her expensive things.

I paid not much attention to it as I scrolled more on my feed. I saw a few tweets about a celebrity trending because of his show and an issue about his girlfriend who was branded as a racist.

I was so into reading the tweets and published articles when my mom tapped my leg and pointed outside.

"Keep your phone. We're here." she shortly said and I agreed as I keep it in my pocket before fixing the button of my suit.

It didn't take long until our car parked in front of the Grayson Urban Resort. The place was located in Ratchaprasong, Bangkok where most luxurious parties were held. It's a common place for a party for the elites.

Press flocked around the entrance as they take pictures of the largest business men, models and even actors in Thailand.

There's a lot of people going out of their own car. They would let the media take a picture of them and answer a question or two before going inside. It's a common scenario for events like this but I still don't want the spotlight. I was never fond of it. Maybe I was poor in my last life that's why I don't really fascinate this kind of stuff.

It took a little while before my parents and I went out of the car. There was a barricade placed on the side so the people of the press and the guests can have some distance.

They took a few photos of us and my parents answered a few questions before we actually went in.

We walked towards the hall and saw a lot of socialites chattering. Mom greeted some of her friends and I was even acknowledge for growing up into a fine man.

I didn't pay much attention to them and it also didn't take a few minutes before we are told to go inside the venue where the party will be held.

Black and gold colors dominated the whole place as it was designed for the old man's golden year. There's a large white and gold cake placed on the table near the food. Table cloths, chairs and even the backdrop have a touch of gold and black.

Chinese looking lanterns in the shade of black and gold were hung on the ceiling making the place more elegant.

It was indeed a very well planned event and I can't see any flaws in the event planning and designing.

Dad saw uncle Charles and they talked for a while despite the issues they have inside the company. Mom on the other hand introduced me to new people; be it a business man, an actor or even her fellow designers.

I shook hands and talked to some of them as the party is not starting yet. Mom told me before that the secret in success are connections. Rich people become richer because of their connections. Whenever they open a business, good connections with people will always help them to grow and be known faster. So mom trained me since I was young to socialize with people, especially kids my age.

I left my parents so I can go to my friends. My free time was spent with my friends in the same circle. We tried to catch up and tell stories about the places we've been in the past months or years. We rarely talk or chat but when we do, it's like time haven't separated us for that long.

"Hey Win, how's life?" Jira asked as she joined our little circle in the party.

"I'm good, same old." I shortly said and smiled at her. "How about you? How's med school?"

"It's hell in there. I don't even know why I like to follow my parents' footsteps. I might as well shift courses while it's still early." she complained and we all laughed.

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