Chapter 5: Held Liable

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I was lost for words. I haven't been so nervous in my entire life more than this. I have always been a good son and a good student with a good record. Tainting my name and my family's reputation with this is a big scandal!

What if one of my mom's friend saw it and send it to my mom? What if my parents get mad at me and disown me for being gay? What if all hell break loose and everything I worked for will be put into waste just like my cousin?

Fck I can't afford that!

This cannot be happening!

I almost threw my phone on the wall hoping for this nightmare to stop. My chest hurt about his comment- that he declined me as his friend but what hurt me the most are the words of my schoolmates.

People tend to judge others only because they know the surface of the story but haven't read the whole book. I don't know how will I solve this problem but for sure I have to act fast or my relatives will know!

I was in the middle of my dilemma when my phone suddenly rang. My heart immediately jumped out of the window as I looked at it. I saw Sinee calling and I exhaled a sigh of relief.


"Jesus finally! Win, I have been calling you! Where have you been and why didn't you go to class today!?" she was hysterical.

"I-I'm sorry Sinee. I've been asleep and woke up just now..." I don't know how to open up the topic!

"Win, are you alright?" she asked, concern was evident in her voice.

I know Sinee. Even if we just met this semester, I know she's a real friend. She nags and complain all the time but at the end of the day, she'll always be the most honest friend I have.


"Of course Win! Why would you lie about how you feel? Idiot." she giggled. Maybe she's trying to lift up my mood. By now, she already knows my secret.

"I-I'm not okay..." I bit my lower lip just to suppress the intense feeling I'm having right now. I feel so vulnerable and weak!


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I-I was afraid to be judged." I lowered my head while talking to her. I feel so ashamed! Like I committed a mortal sin and everyone is throwing stones at me.

"Win, you don't have to be sorry for who you are..." she softly said; slowly comforting me but it didn't work.

I've already said those words to myself but I never really got the chance to express myself freely. I've always been scared of how people may perceive me. I've always been cautious about how people may look at me. I've always been the person I am since I was a kid; the shy and fearful Win.

"I-I don't know Sinee... I don't know what my parents will say about this. I don't know what my relatives will say about this. This is so... humiliating!"

I chewed on my lip just so I could restrain my frustration and not to lash out on Sinee.

"I-I'm sorry you have to face this, Win." I can sense sadness in her voice.

I tried to smile but I failed. I guess being gay is really a sin huh?

"Don't be. You didn't do anything wrong Sinee. It was me. I was the one who kissed the guy. Too bad I did it in a public place."

"Bullshit! No one and absolutely no one should video tape two guys kissing or any other couple kissing! That is normal! You're of age! These btches will know how I dig deep in this case. I will use my father's connection for this!" now she sounded mad.

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