Chapter 21: Star Light, Star Bright

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To: Bright

What about it?

I sent my reply without giving much thought.

I am so disgusted with all that's happening to me. I don't know how I got myself into this mess. Does liking Bright means I have to face all these? I have to face endless criticisms? I have to face his supposed to be fiancé? I have to face his Dad and his homophobic comments? Does liking him equals to facing the attention of the people who are concerned about his well-being?

"Fck it." I said in gritted teeth as I tossed my phone and got my sketchpad.

I got outside of my balcony and sat there to start sketching the garden. I have to calm down and think. I have to rearrange my thoughts and be as calm as possible to deal with this issue.

I have never been blackmailed by anyone- this is the first.

Do I really need to leave the man I love for the advantage of others? Is it the right thing to do? But if I leave Bright, his ass would be saved... but would that make him happy?

But does it even matter that much to him? Does he like me that much to risk everything including his career? But he faced his father for me... but in the end, I was still the one who saved him.

I shook my head and started to draw an outline for my landscape drawing. I'm working on the trees when my phone rang and it displayed Bright's name.

I heaved a sigh and decided to ignore his call. I am not ready. I may take his call but I can't guarantee that I won't lash out on him. I can't guarantee that I won't take my frustrations out to him and I can't afford that. I can't afford to hurt him just because I'm hurting.

The ringing of my phone stopped but it was followed by an immediate beep- telling me that someone sent me a message.

I hold onto my pencil as I looked at the message I received. It's from Bright as expected.

From: Bright

Baby please answer the call. Let's talk.

I bit my lower lip to suppress my feelings and typed a response.

To: Bright

Bright can you give me some space? I need to think. I need to sort things out. I'm sorry but I have to face this alone without you.

I sent the message and turned off my phone.

That's the best move I can do without hurting him that much. I need to think and consider everyone's feelings. I need to weigh what's more important and what's not; what to pursue and what to stop; what to fight for and what to give up.

It's been two weeks since class resumed. All the students in the university are busy and so am I. I couldn't afford to have a failing grade just because I'm not emotionally stable. I can't let my feelings get in to me easily. I need to focus on what's more important.

Two weeks passed and I'm still avoiding Bright. Well I can't really avoid him when I'm in the university premises but he gave me what I asked for. He gave me my space and I'm thankful for it.

That day when I asked for space and turned my phone on the following morning, I saw his message saying okay for what I was asking. It was a cold reply but at least he agreed. I just don't know if his perspective is the same with me. I don't know if he thinks I asked for space because of Aziel.

Well partly, it's better that way. His name will be saved from being dragged and I will have my peace of mind and won't have to deal with that psychopath who sent me an email weeks ago.

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