Chapter 28: Cold

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I've been really quiet since Bright came and started doing his hair and make up. He even asked his manager if he can do it here since he wanted to get this over and done with. As if we're not paying them enough that we should be thankful for his presence.

I slapped every idea and hate I have towards the last model who came in as I decided to focus on the photshoot in front of me.

I sat on the chair behind Luke as he took photos of the models he's working with. Every model gave a very professional performance and Luke didn't even have a hard time working with them.

I fixed my vision on the laptop because as much as possible, I don't want to have any interaction with him. I don't even want to say his name!

I was hurt for the past years and it never left me. I may have forgotten about him but not the feeling of pain and hatred he left me. I did everything just to forget about him and now that I'm ready to give my heart a chance again to love, I hope it won't run away again from my grasp.

"And you're done. Thanks Herald! Next please..." Luke smiled at the man in front of him before he looked at his right only to see Bright.

"Can Bright go first, Luke? He has another appointment after this." the manager said.

"Yeah sure." Luke bluntly replied.

I saw Luke observed Bright with pure curiosity. He looked at me and gave me a questioning look. I nodded and understood him right away. I know he has a lot of questions in mind and I'm willing to fill him in with the details but we have to do this first. After Bright's turn, I may have to call for a lunch break.

I stood up when he got onto the platform and avoided his impassive gaze right away. As much as possible, I don't want to do anything with him ever again after this project.

And mom! She didn't tell me about this!

I got out of the there and talked to Mom's secretary if the food is ready.

"Yes sir, the food is now ready. The whole team can eat anytime." she sweetly smiled and I nodded as I fished for my phone and sat on one of those chairs.

It took a few rings until my mom picked up my call. It's noisy in her background and I'm guessing she's in a public place again probably meeting someone.

"Yes son?" she sweetly asked and I can't help but to roll my eyes. She's been so supportive of me all my life but this is just insane!

"Mom you didn't tell me that Bright is going to be here!" I whined and I heard her giggled before clearing her throat.

"Didn't I tell you that?"

"No!" I shouted like a child. I don't care if the people from the catering will hear me. I'm so annoyed right now!

She giggled once again before speaking,

"Son, it's been years... besides, why are you so mad when you have Luke in your life? He's been your boyfriend for three years already."

Yeah that's what you thought.

"But still mom! I don't want to do anything with Bright anymore! I-I'm not comfortable!"

I heard her sigh from the other line and the noises on her background faded. It took a while before she spoke again.

"Win, whatever you had with Bright is all in the past now. We have to be professional when it comes to business. Bright is one of the best models we have in fashion industry and we can't ignore the fact that what he wears will probably be a trend."

I tried to process things and be responsible but the irritation inside me never left. I tried to relax my whole system before agreeing to mom. I don't want to lash out on her even more just because my ex came back from the dead.

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