Chapter 41: Interview

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"Daddy Win!" a little kid said and ran towards me.

I smiled at the little boy as I squat down to face him properly.

"What is it?" I smiled and he giggled before giving me a hug.

"I miss you so much!" he chuckled as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Is Daddy Win still going away for work?" he innocently asked and I pouted as I poked his nose.

"Do you want Daddy Win to go?"

"No!" he pouted with his forehead creased. "I hate your work Daddy. You're always away."

I laughed and disheveled his hair.

"Daddy has to work for us baby..."

"But still!" he stubbornly said and cupped my cheeks. "Daddy stop going to work already. We are rich enough!"

I laughed and so is the man who just walked inside the living room. I looked at him and smiled - his dark brown eyes, pointed nose, thin lips and properly shaved and styled beard made him look more mature than me but the truth is I'm older than him.

"Baby you can't tell your Daddy Win to stop going to work..." said the man as he squatted in front of us. "We have to make a living..."

"No!!! I don't like staying with nanny!" he pouted and put his arms on both our necks. "No working!"

My partner and I looked at each other and laughed together because of the cuteness of our son. He's been like this since he's two years old.

"Win I forgot to tell you... you have a visitor." my husband said and I looked at him with a questioning look. "He said you're his old friend."

"Old friend? I barely made friends when I was young." I confessed and he pouted before pulling me up. "Come, you should meet him and say hi."

I nodded and explained to our son that I have to talk to someone first before we can play again. My son nodded as we went downstairs to meet the visitor my husband is talking about.

I saw a man in his late 20's or maybe early 30's as he sat on our couch. His eyes met mine and something in me turned. His face is familiar but I can't remember where I saw him.

"Hey Win." he greeted as I faced him and my eyebrows furrowed at his voice. I looked into his eyes and I saw nothing but pain.

"Hi... Uhm, I'm sorry but do I know you?" I politely asked and he smiled at me but the sadness in his eyes never left him.

"I'm one of your friends before." he bit his lip. "I'm your... best friend's cousin."

My face lit up when he mentioned Sinee. Now that I thought of it, Sinee has been mentioning another friend of mine that I never remembered even after I recovered from my head injury. The doctor said it's either the brain is still recovering from the trauma or worst case scenerio- I will not remember anything about that person anymore.

"Oh... yeah she mentioned you a few times to me but we never had a chance to meet each other." I laughed and offered a hand shake. "Should I say, it's finally nice to meet you again uh..."

"Bright. Just call me Bright." he smiled as he took my hand and shook it. "You look good, Win. You look... very happy." he commented and glanced at my son who's hiding behind me. "Hi little guy."

"Hello..." my son said and smiled a bit.

My head ached at the sound of an apparatus. I felt something that has been stopping my arm from moving or it won't just move. I tried to open my eyes and it was a bit blurry and I blinked for a few times until the white ceiling became clearer to me.

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