Chapter 17: Crazy

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I heard the crashing waves from afar as the coldness of something consumed me. I tried to open my eyes only to see a white ceiling and a room with no one around.

Judging by the surroundings, I'm in a very extravagant room surrounded by cream brow curtains. I saw the darkness outside and thought that it's already night time.

Then the incident before I fell asleep came rushing in my head. My eyes widened as I got out of the bed to see where I am.

I quickly pulled the curtains side ward only to see a dark beach front covered with different colors of flags. Lampposts illuminated the area and I saw a bunch of people gathering under the palm trees where couches where placed and if my hunch is right, the place is full of people drinking.

I shook my head and tore my eyes off the view. This is not the right time to appreciate a place you are not familiar with, Metawin!

I quickly looked for a phone but I couldn't find one. If this is really a hotel or a house maybe, there must be one! I rummaged through the drawers only to find a comb and a hair dryer.

Great! As if I can use that to get out of here!

I quickly turned to the windows to check if it has an opening but it doesn't! The windows served as walls as well and let hell be damned but I would break these just to get out of here!

I immediately went straight to the door and to my surprise, it wasn't locked!

I gladly opened it only to be greeted by two huge men in uniforms.

"Sir we are sorry but you need to go inside." the first one with a sun glasses said.

Who wears sun glasses at night!? Dumbass.

"I will go out of here!" I arrogantly said and took a step forward only to be haulted by the guys. "Damn it! Get out of my way!"

"We're sorry sir but we are just following orders."

"Orders!? Orders from who!? How much did they pay you? I will double it! No, triple it! Name your price!"

They looked at each other and as I thought I persuaded them with money, they pushed me again inside and quickly locked the door.

"Let me out of here you two little piece of shit!" I screamed and banged the door for a couple of times but to no vail, it was pointless.

I tried looking for an opening but I only saw an infinite pool just in front of the suite, I am not sure if this is a suite, I am staying. If there's a pool inside, there's another door or a balcony perhaps!

My blood boiled at the idea of someone abducting me. All hell will rise if ever I get out here and figure out who did this! I swear I am going to let him pay!

I walked around the suite and finally found the double doors directly bringing me into the pool!

I turned the knob and it wasn't locked! Whoever planned this abduction is such an idiot! Who the hell would put a hostage inside a room without locking the door?

"Ha! Stupid people! I will get out of here and sue you all including this resort!" I shouted when I opened the door and found out there's no way out of there!

Win, you fool!

I turned to the right and saw a pathway around the suite only to be greeted by three more men watching over that side. I turned to the other direction and once again, I was greeted by the men in black.

You better wear those shades when I punch all of you!

I heaved an anxious sigh as I walked towards the pool to figure my way out and I almost choked to death when I saw someone swimming under.

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