Chapter 1

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James' POV 

"Yo James, why is it so hard for you to give that girl a chance?", Connor asked me while taking a big sip from his beer. 

"Because she isn't white! Connor I've told you a thousand times, I just don't want to get involved with any woman who has a different color than mine..." I trailed off while putting my phone back in my pocket. Connor was showing me a picture of a woman on his phone, who happened to be a brown woman. I bet she would be from India or somewhere near that area in Asia. I didn't comment on her looks, I just quickly scanned the picture of her and took a sip of my beer and looked into the crowd of people in the bar. 

"You know, you could be totally wrong right? What does skin color have to do with love, anyway?"

"I just prefer white girls man, they don't have any crazy family with a bunch of cultural stuff and some of them don't even know how to function out there in the society. It's like they never learned to adapt to our culture."

Conner looked at me with a big frown on his forehead while his right eyebrow was lifted. 

"Man, it almost sounds like you have some racial hatred towards other minority groups"

I sighed while looking directly into Connor's eyes. I was beginning to feel annoyed by this conversation. Truth was, I never ever had a girlfriend before who was other than white. My parents didn't raise me as a racist, I just happen to have this opinion by myself. My whole family was against my special preferences too. 

Connor just wouldn't let it go. He kept trying to hook me up on dates, but I always ended up rejecting the women in the end. As a lawyer and as a man who came from a very respected family as well as social status I just happened to have certain criteria. She should be a fine lady with a good education like myself. I wanted a woman who was longing for more in life than just a big house and a nice car. I wanted a woman who knew to behave properly in public. 

All the women I have been hooked up with through Connor have had all those things, but something was in a way always missing. I needed the chemistry. The passion for more. I had a hard time explaining exactly what I needed. So as much as it frustrated my dear wingman it also frustrated me as well. 

Connor and I walked out of the bar and went out to the parking lot where I had my car. 

"Hey man, thanks for today. It was great hanging with you. About the next date... It will be the last date you will set up for me, Connor. I'm tired man."

Connor smiled and gave me a quick hug and winked at me with a crooked smile. 

"I promise, this date can maybe be your final date". He went to his own car and drove off. I got in my car and started to drive back to my house. 

As I got back home after a ten minutes ride I pulled the keys out of my pocket and opened the door. As I took a step inside I immediately got welcomed by Nico, my dog. Nico was a Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund and was a big and beautiful dog that I got a couple of years ago. Nico's tail started to wag just by seeing me.

"Hi buddy, did you miss me?" I petted him and threw my keys on the basket on the entrance table on my right side. I went over to Nicos bowl and changed his water so he could get fresh cold water. I pulled at my tie to loosen it up as I walked into the bathroom. I met my reflection in the mirror and then smiled to myself. Thinking of Connor made me chuckle a bit. That dude had been my long time friend since college. And since then he always tried to find me a suitable girlfriend, but sadly he always found girls I couldn't get along with. 

I pulled my tie, up over my head, got my clothes off, and threw it in the laundry basket in the bathroom. A yawn was creeping up and I slowly walked in my bedroom and got under the duvet. 

As I was beginning to close my heavy eyes I was disturbed by the vibration of my phone. a message from Connor was popping up on the screen. 

I got you a special date on next Saturday. It's a bit different than what you have tried before, but trust me man. This will be the bomb! 

I sighed and started to wonder what he meant by different. I replied to him with a thumbs up and went back to sleep. 

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