Chapter 35

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Mayas POV

The next thing I knew, Alice and Richard were sitting across me and James. Owen was sitting beside James. There was an awkward silence between us. Someone could have tried to cut into the air – it was thicker than anything else. James seemed a bit cramped as well. It was so obvious that James didn't have the best relationship with his parents.

Luckily Mrs. Powell broke the silence.

 'Dear, tell me a little bit about yourself. Our son hasn't told us anything about you yet. In fact, nothing at all...'

She gave a certain look aimed at James while saying that. I knew she meant about my skin color obviously. Duh, I wasn't dumb to not understand what she said between the line. I acted like I didn't catch what she meant and just smiled at her.

What should I tell her? I started organizing everything that was going on in my head. Everything kind of just blended together. Should I tell her about my work, my likings, my dreams, or my clothes measurements? Dear Heavens! I am totally out of place. I need to say something.

I inhaled and then answered her as laid back as possible.

'I-I work part-time at a Café in New York City'.
Great Maya. Just keep on stammering and his parents will love you!

I mentally slapped myself for sounding not so confident at all. Mrs. Powell made a thin line with her mouth. She nodded very politely and glanced over at Mr. Powell.

'Don't you have a more... Hm. A more well-paid job maybe? Did you go to college?'

I saw Mr. Powell nudge Mrs. Powell on the side. I think he was a bit embarrassed by his wife's interrogation. Before I could say anything, James had already swooped in.

'Mother, Maya is actually an artist. It's her dream to become a full-time artist'

I plunged in to make sure that Mrs. Powell didn't miss the fact that I also went to college.

'Mrs. Powell, yes James is right. That is my dream and it has been a dream since I can remember. But I did go to college too' I proudly told her.

She raised her eyebrows and nodded in pleasure. 'Well, do you need money or anything? Are you having any financial debts to pay off?'

I stopped smiling and stared at her without blinking. Her blue eyes were piercing into mine. She wasn't joking when asking me such a personal question. I could feel James becoming a tad more tense beside me. I could see from the corner of my eyes that he mouthed something to his parents.

'Um, Mrs. Powell. I don't quite follow where you're going with this...' I silently told her. Why did she want to know that suddenly?

'Well, do you?'

Mr. Powell scratched the back of his head and looked out of place. He looked like a mouse wanting to escape into his little hole.
'Y-yes. I do have a debt to pay but that's from my college time. I intend to pay it off once I get more money'

Mrs. Powell gave me a slightly arrogant smile and straightened herself. She looked somehow convinced over something. I just couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

'Aha. So is that why you found James?'

James cut in the conversation. He looked shocked although I was pretty sure I was even more shocked.


'What do you mean Mrs. Powell...? I felt my cheeks become warmer and my throat turning into a dry desert.

'I know my son would never date a woman like you. Surely, you must have manipulated him to like you. Do you need any money to pay off your debt? Is that why you chose my son?'

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