Chapter 11

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Hi everyone! Thank you once again for those of you who read my story. I was wondering if there are any of my lovely readers who is brown skin like me. Just curious! 😁 If yes, have you experienced something like what Maya has?

Let me know in the comments! Enjoy reading!

Mayas POV

So, I might have known Rose for some years, anyhow that didn't mean I knew her other girlfriends though. I was surprised to meet the other three girls. Apparently, these girls were nothing like I have imagined. They were very.... um. you could say, interesting?

Eve was the youngest of us all. But she was most certainly the most experienced of us all in one particular area. Let's just say that the cookie had been tasted by a lot of people. She was tall with a slender body, a tiny little waist, and round big eyes. Her hair was shorter than the rest of us, but she looked breathtaking!

Linda, who was Rose's childhood friend, was not as extroverted as Eve might have been. Linda seemed to be more cautious and observant. Even though she was a bit more silent than everyone else, she sure had a voice. I bet that's why Rose and she became friends. Rose herself, had nothing against speaking up about nothing and everything. Linda was just more.... hmmm... more conscious about what came out of her mouth.

And at last there was Olivia. Olivia was a bit curvy, had beautiful long hair that reached all the way down to her waist. She was the same age as me, she knew Rose from college and she also knew Connor as well. Olivia gave me the impression of a well-behaved woman who knew her value and didn't bother what anybody else said about her. I liked that about her. She had a strong personality, I thought. Maybe she could give me some of her confidence throughout the wedding because I sure needed it if James was around!

Anyway, the preparations for the wedding with these girls, made my days go by faster than the lightning. So far, everything went well. 

From the venue to the flower decorations, the food at the reception was all set and ready. I was relieved. I did it! I patted myself on the shoulder for being such a good maid of honor. I was terrified of making any mistakes. Afterall I knew Rose very well, and she wanted her wedding day to be perfect! I had to do my very best to make her the happiest bride.

The day before the wedding I woke up to a loud voice screaming NOOOOOO so my ears nearly started bleeding. What happened? I opened my eyes and looked at my watch. 05:07. In the middle of the night! I got out of my cozy and warm bed to see what was happening. I ran into Roses bedroom to find her sobbing wildly while on the phone. I looked at her with concern. What happened now?

"Rose, tell me. What happened? Is something wrong? Can I fix it?" she didn't answer me right away. I began to get nervous. Did something happen to Connor? Did he maybe cancel the wedding? NO, that would never happen!

"Rose, talk to me please".

"In the midst of all the wedding planning, Connor and I have forgotten all about the car that is supposed to get us from the church to the reception" she cried even more now.

I got relieved. Was she crying about that? I could fix that!

"Honey, listen to me. Sometimes these things will happen. Don't beat yourself up about it! I will go there and get the car for you" I assured her.

She looked at my face and cupped my cheek and suddenly gave me a big kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Maya!" she cried all while she hugged me with gratitude.

"So, where do I go and pick the car up?" I asked her all at the same time while I was yawning. I was so tired!

"Uhm, actually it is a bit further away from our place. So, it's going to take you a while to get the car. But it's Connor who has the reservation papers, so you need to get them first before going. Maya are you sure you will do this?"

"YES, of course, I will do this. Am I not your maid of honor? This is my job, remember? Saving the bride against any difficulties is my priority" I said with a proud smirk. She hugged me again and kissed me again and again.

"Connor will send someone with you, so you can both get back with the wedding car. I will call Connor and tell him that you will be ready in 30 minutes".

I gave her a nod, then hurried into the bathroom to freshen myself up. What a great way to start the day... Because of the sudden crisis for the bride and because it was so early in the morning, I didn't get a moment to really think about who I was going to get the car with.

I only focused on getting myself ready so I could save the brides big day. I quickly brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and let it fall over my shoulders. I had to style my hair later when the ceremony would start, so to avoid getting a headache already now, I let my hair loose. I put on my blue jeans with a yellow top on them. When I heard the door ring, I knew my ride was here.

I opened the door and said: "come in, I will just get my shoes on and then I'm ready to go". I had my butt stick right at the person, as I had turned my back to the open door to get my shoes on. I struggled to get them on and stood there panting a bit. I felt so stressed about this day already.

As I turned around to face Connors helping friend, who would accompany me on this early assignment, I dropped my jaw.

In front of me stood James. I met his eyes once again and I was numb right away.
"Hi" he said.

"Uhm, hi" I blurted out.

Of course. The guy Connor sent to help get the car was James. He was the best man after all. I totally forgot to think so far, and I was indeed in complete shock! I had not prepared myself to meet him this early.

Oh, good heavens! Why now?

"Um, let's get going, shall we?" I said while getting my bag. I walked past him, and he silently followed me out of the door. As I locked the door, I turned around to follow him now to his car. He walked casually and still looked handsome as the first day I saw him on the date. He was wearing dark brown jeans with a cream-colored shirt. On top of the shirt he had a leather jacket on. His hair was perfectly combed and even though he still had the jacket on I could see his big muscles popping out. He was undoubtedly well built and with his tall figure he was like the Eiffel tower for me.

Seriously Maya? After all, what he said to you, you still fancy him? You are supposed to hate this guy. Or maybe not hate, but at least give him a cold shoulder.

I wondered what he thought of, when he figured out that I was the one he had to get the car with. He must have hated the idea of seeing me again.

Oh well, I wasn't exactly thrilled to see him either!

He opened the door and held it open for me. Was I dreaming? Why would he do that? As I sat in the passenger seat, he silently shut the door and walked over to the passenger seat.

"Uhm, how long is the ride to the place where we have to pick up the car? I asked him without looking at him. My kept was locked on the window on my side. I felt my body suddenly heated and I could start to feel my cheeks were getting hot. Once again, the rejection from him washed over me.

He cleared his throat and replied with a distant voice: "it will take us about one hour to get there".

One. Hour.

This was about to get awkward!

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