Chapter 26

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Mayas POV

I looked down on the grass that we walked on and waited for him to somehow convince me to stay over for a bit. Maybe it would be nice to actually hear him say what he felt about me and felt about us. The kiss yesterday must have indicated that there definitely was something going on between us.

As I glanced up at him, I saw him staring at me. He was then suddenly very busy with his phone and then he got interrupted by a phone call. He excused himself and walked a little further away from me. I respected that and stood where I was. 

I crossed my arms tightly in front of my chest as it was beginning to get colder. I only had a white, thin shirt on with my jeans and my jacket was in the back of the car. As he walked a little further away from me, I watched how he straightened his back and took on a more professional attitude. His whole body changed.

I couldn't stop but overhear his conversation a little bit. We were outside and there was silence, so even if he tried to talk low, I could still hear some of the words coming out from his mouth.

"Yes, sure. I will look through it and then get back to you. No, no I'm not occupied right now. I can look at it tonight". I got a little disappointed when I heard him say that on the phone. I thought we could maybe get some time for ourselves tonight and maybe talk about us. Were we more than friends now or what?

When he hung up he told me that he had to get back inside and do some work. I tried to make it seem like it didn't affect me, but it did. I wanted to be with him. But I had to respect that he was a serious man who got a serious job to do. Instead, I nodded and gave him an encouraging reply and gave him a hug. His hug was somehow different than the other times. This one was too quick and it seemed like he wasn't mentally with me at this very moment. He seemed distant ever since we left my parent's house.

I had hoped that we maybe could have kissed goodbye. I was sure that he was feeling the same things that I did toward him. Otherwise he wouldn't have kissed me the day before. I stood on his property for a while before I finally took off from his home. I was a bit confused.

After the weekend I was busy with work as I had taken some of Janes hours. And in the evenings I was occupied with my paintings at the studio. I hadn't seen James for about a week now. He kept texting me back that he was drowning in work. This case must have been really tough, I thought while doing some strokes on the canvas. The radio was on, playing Tina Turner's lovely song ballad "Falling".


Help me, I'm falling

Helplessly falling

falling for you

And mountains, there may be mountains

The highest mountain

Won't keep me from you, oh yeah

My hips were moving to the rhythm while I painted. It was a slow-paced song that had a really good vibe right now. I smiled while singing along the lyrics. It matched perfectly to my own feelings now.

I had some orders coming up from a former client, so I was quite busy at the moment. Although I had to admit that I really missed James. I missed talking to him, being around him, and just see his face. I was completely, utterly, and undescribably in love with that man. And I couldn't wait to soon talk to him about it. I was sure that he also felt the same way.

He was so busy with his work that he didn't have time to meet up. I had to respect that and I surely had to be patient. But I was ready to confess my true feelings towards him any day now. I just needed him to be ready too.

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