Chapter 6

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Authors note: 

Hi my lovely readers. Those of you who are reading my story: A BIG thank you. 

I hope you enjoy this story and that you will keep on supporting me. For a long time I have experienced a lot of things by guys for being brown skin. So that's why I got inspired to write this fictional story about race. I am now happily married to my danish husband, Mattias and I feel loved 100%. I'm born and raised in Denmark while my parents are from Sri Lanka. 

This story is purely fictional, but all Maya's emotions and feeling towards herself in this story is based on my own feelings of heartbreak and rejections for not being white enough for some guys out there!  I am proud of being who I am and this story is about loving yourself for who you are - color doesn't matter. Love matters! 


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Mayas POV

This guy in front of me, that I haven't been able to see for myself, he was amazing! James seemed like a very good man with a great job, but what I like the most was his relaxing and calm nature and that he seemed very confident about himself. 

When our hands touched each other I got a tingly feeling inside my stomach. His hand was bigger than mine and I got a sense that James was a strong and tall man with a lot of strength. Alone by his hand I could imagine. I wondered how he looked. Did he have black, blonde, or brown hair? Did he enjoy this evening as much as I did? 

I finally met someone who was genuinely thrilled about my artwork and my passion for that. He asked into it and kept asking me about my abstract painting, my story behind it. 

He was eloquent with his words, he gave the impression of being interested in me as a person, and the fact that he was on this date must have meant that he wanted a date who didn't just have it all on the outside but also on the inside. Or was I just thinking highly of him because I really liked my date?
After some time we separated our hands from each other and began eating our dessert. We got a delicious creme brulée with some berries on the side. 

Now we agreed to see each other face to face. It must have meant that he wanted another date. Because I really wanted to have a second date with this guy. No matter how he looked. I really enjoyed his presence! I tugged some hair behind my left ear and waited for the lights to be turned on so I could see James fully. 

I took a sharp breath and suddenly the lights went on. I looked directly into a pair of blue eyes. They were clear as the ocean and he had brown hair which was not short but also not long. He had somehow a little longer hair than I thought he would have and it was beautiful. His brown hair was silky smooth. His face was very manly and I was right, he was very muscular! 

I beamed at him and suddenly became shy. I knew that James wouldn't be able to see if I was blushing or not. Afterall I was brown, so it would not be obvious to discover. 

As he didn't say anything I looked down for a second and then met his eyes when I glanced at him. I waited for him to say something, but somehow he kept quiet for a while. I think he looked shocked but I didn't know why. Did I maybe dress a bit too much or maybe he didn't like my choice of clothes? Did I have something on my face? 

I made a little cough to kind of wake him up. I kept smiling at him. As he didn't comment on my looks or anything at all about me I thought I maybe should say something first. 

"You look very handsome as I imagined you would be". I observed him after I told him that. He became a little stiff and his body language slowly became more reserved. I wondered what made him take such a long time to respond. 

"Is there something wrong, James?" I asked him a bit hesitantly but still smiling at him. In my opinion I had a beautiful man sitting right across me and I was immediately attracted to him. It was great to get to know him and his personality before judging him by his appearance. 

He cleared his throat and gave me a disheartened look. 

"I thought you were white". 


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