Chapter 20

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Here comes a chapter from James point of view. I hope you get a little picture of what is going through his head in this whole friendship dare. 

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James POV

I saw Maya struggling to get the hair away from her face. She was having both her hands in the sink while washing the pot. I looked at her and thought about helping her. I walked behind her and tried to help her.

"Here, let me help you" I pulled her hair away from her face and then put it back in place behind her. I was close to her body now and while touching her hair I could smell it. Her hair smelled nice. Sweet and fresh. Her hair was long and healthy to look at. She had beautiful hair that also seemed to look strong. I was normally used to American girls' hair and they were most often straight and very silky smooth. It was different with Mayas hair. She had this dark brown almost black, wavy hair with a lot of texture in it.

Somehow, I was intrigued by it and wanted to run my fingers through her long hair, but I composed myself to not do it. That would be so weird. And why did I even have the urge to do that to her?

I stepped back and turned away from her after she said thanks. We put the leftovers in small boxes and placed them in the fridge. I was surprised by the great taste that came from this unfamiliar food. Was it spicy? Heck yes! But it was better than anything else I had tasted before. I wanted to have something again for tomorrow. She was surprised by my reaction to the food and I couldn't blame her.

Maya seemed so much more different than any other girl I had spent time with. There was something about her that made me yearn for more of her.

I knew by now that after dining together she would want to go home. But I wanted her to stay a bit longer. It was a weird and uncommon feeling. I had to be at work early as I had an ongoing case right now. I had to read the files I had gotten yesterday, and I had to meet up with my client tomorrow and run some things through.

Being a lawyer was great, but also very hard. I sometimes had long working hours and I constantly had to read a lot of files. I watched Maya lean back at the table behind her and was caught in her own thoughts. Before she said anything about going home, I offered her to watch a movie with me.

Friends could do that right?

As we settled for a movie to watch I kept thinking about her and Kevin at the wedding reception. I remembered how close he was to Maya. I couldn't explain why it bothered me, but it did anyway. I overheard Kevin and some of the other guys earlier that day, making a bet about who could get laid with the maid of honor first. I wished to punch Kevin in the face for doing such a bet.

I knew that somehow Maya would be smart enough to refuse the most guys and I was right. But as Kevin went over to her later, I knew it would be hard for any woman to resist his charm. And sadly, she fell for him. I knew Kevin since college. He was good friends with Connor, but I didn't want to have any relation to that guy. He was always after girls and he only wanted one thing from them.

I remember dancing with her to tell her about Kevin. But I couldn't really gather my words properly. As a lawyer I was good with words and good at proving points since I had so much experience from the courtrooms. But somehow while dancing with Maya that night made me blank as a white paper. 

The only thing I could come up with was that she should avoid Kevin. It came out as a belittling comment and as I guessed, I was right. She thought I told her to stay away from her because she wasn't good enough. Before I could explain it further, she retreated and walked away.

I gave a quick side glance at her. She was sitting at the other end of the couch with her legs close to her chest. She looked thrilled about the movie. She was hooked on the movie but somehow, I couldn't concentrate on the movie. She could cook. And she was good at it. She was spontaneous and she was beautiful too. 

Did she date a lot of people before me? I wondered how she lived her life. Before I could stop myself, I blurted something out that had been in the back of my head all evening.

"Have you been in any relationships before?"

We were friends now, so it wouldn't be wrong to get to know her a bit more...

She mentioned Oliver. But was that it? Was he maybe her first boyfriend?

Why did you break up?" I asked her. She hesitated and didn't really get a chance to answer as we both were drawn to the spectacular scene that was taking place in the movie. I decided to let it pass as I could sense that she didn't want to go further into explaining why Oliver and she broke up.

When I drove her home that evening, she caught me off guard by hugging me before she went up to her apartment. I stiffened at her sudden move as I didn't expect it from her. But I guess she really took me as her friend now. To give her a response I finally hugged her back. As I held her in my embrace, I could feel how small she really was. She wasn't that tall either. Sri Lankan people must be quite small people...

But it suited her. She fitted right into my hug. She made me feel bigger and stronger. As we parted I decided to look right at the steering because I was disturbed of my own liking of her.

What was the matter with me? She was just a friend and that's how it was supposed to be. Nothing else. That would be the safest thing to do. 

Seems like James is starting to feel things? ;) 

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