Chapter 4

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Mayas POV

I woke up to the sound of Roses voice trying to sing along with the radio playing music in the kitchen. I picked up my phone from the bed table and checked the time. It was nine in the morning. I rubbed my eyes while yawning. I lay in bed twenty minutes more before I gathered all my strength to get up. I still had a lot of time before the date this evening.

I planned to get my artwork delivered to the 'Joanne Artman Gallery'. This was a big day for me. Finally, I got the opportunity to share my passion with the world. And I was beyond grateful for have been given the chance to show my paintings through Joannes art gallery. Joanne was a vibrant and yet very artistic and quirky person, who ran the gallery and was in charge of the upcoming exhibitions.

I went for a quick shower and got dressed in casual clothes. I picked my ripped denim jeans and put on an oversized, light green colored shirt on. I gathered my hair in a quick bun on top of my head and went out to the kitchen.

I saw Rose standing in front of the oven in her thongs and a crop top. "Hey, sexy..." I smiled at her.

She looked at me and grinned big. "Hey there, wanna taste some of my breakfast muffins?".

I looked at them and they looked delicious. "I put a banana in them! Try Maya!"

I picked one of the muffins up and took a big bite. "Mhmm... They are delicious Rose!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Okay, Maya... You might save the moaning part till after you've met your date" she started laughing.

I rolled my eyes at her and stuffed the rest of the muffin in my mouth. I headed out to my car and drove off to the studio to pick all the paintings up.

As I turned to the right to get to 22nd Street my heart silently skipped a beat. I had a huge smile on my face while trying to find a parking spot. This was really my day!

I parked right across the art gallery. Joanne met me outside with wide arms to give me a hug. She was very touchy and very emotional as a person. Sometimes I wouldn't know what to do with myself when she did that in sudden situations.

I hugged her and she looked at me with excitement. "So, are you ready to be famous soon?"
I looked at her and humbly gave her a shy smile. She was already a big fan of my artwork and she was more than proud to exhibit my artwork at her gallery. We kind of got really close to each other in a short time. I was so grateful for this chance.

"Again, thanks Joanne for giving me this great opportunity. It means the world to me! Finally, I get to show my parents what my dream is and they get to see me bloom right where I'm supposed to be! I beamed at her.

"Oh dear, stop it. You will make me cry if you keep going on about this. It's an honor to showcase your brilliant artwork".

I gave her a long hug before I retreated back to my car. Now the paintings were delivered, now it was all about the big date.

I drove back home and met an empty apartment again. I went to the fridge door to see if Rose left any sticky notes to give me a heads up. There was one blue sticky note on and I took it and read:

Gone over to Connors house. We will spend the night at his place. Good luck on your big date girl! Kiss.

I smiled and tucked the little sticky note to my breast. I took a deep breath and exhaled again. I got this!

Truth was, I hadn't been on a date since my heart got broken two years ago. I once dated this sweet guy, Oliver. We dated for six months and I really thought he was the one. Oliver was sweet, he was a gentleman and he took care of me. Sadly I had to let him go as he chose to betray me and my trust.

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