Chapter 51

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Mayas POV

We didn't talk throughout the whole drive. As we arrived in front of my apartment, I was stubborn enough to carry my own luggage even if he tried to carry it for me. It was heavy and at some point when I was climbing the first couple of stairs at the entrance, before getting to the elevator, I stumbled upon something on the floor, which caused me to almost fly over my suitcase where I hit the floor with my face first. I quickly got up before James could say or do anything. This was indeed embarrassing.

Way to go Maya. Nice move...

I walked further like nothing had happened. We both entered the elevator and he pushed the button for me. When we stood there for a short while I could hear a grunting noise. I looked over at James and could see that he was almost about to die from holding in his laughter. I got all warm around my cheeks, but I imagined myself falling over inside my own head and I cracked up. We both laughed loudly and hysterically for a blissful moment until we remembered that this wasn't the time to joke around. 

I straightened my face in an instant and looked straight ahead. He also stopped and cleared his throat. At the sound of the ding from the elevator, it was a signal for us to step out of it. As I got inside the apartment, I could smell how much it needed to be ventilated. I went over to the windows and opened them so fresh air could consume the rooms.

'I need a shower' I said coldly to him and left him alone in the living room. I didn't care if he had to wait. I took a long shower and enjoyed the fresh body soap that I had in here. It smelled nicely of coconut now. I washed my hair and pampered myself with a hair mask. Being in a foreign country was always nice, but nothing was as good as being back to your familiar surroundings.

I went back into the living room and found James sitting anxiously on my couch, waiting for me. I had decided to wear black jeans and a white sweater. It was cold in the apartment.
He was also wearing warm clothes. I sat across him and took a sip of the warm tea that I made before stepping in to face him.

'Do you want anything to drink?' I asked him.

'No, it's fine. But listen, Maya, I am so sorry for hurting you like that and for not listening to your side of the story before storming away from your parents' place. I was an idiot'

'Yes, you were'

He looked down and scratched his stubbles. It looked like he hadn't shaved his face for days. He looked different as I was usually seeing him with a clean shaved face. This suited him too though. I noticed how rough he looked now. His hair wasn't all combed through and styled as before either. It looked a bit messy.

I sipped from my cup of tea and glanced over at him. He was thinking like a mad dog, it was so clear.

'I'm sorry for not telling my parents about you sooner'

He met my eyes and tilted his head slightly. 'Maya, it's not your fault okay? I messed up. I should have thought that you guys do things differently in your family. I was stuck in my own mind... I'm still learning you know. And I want to be someone you can talk to about everything'

'But you didn't let me explain when I tried to'

He sighed once again. 'I know, I didn't. I made a mistake. I promise I will be better. I will be better to understand. And your culture. Please be patient with me...'

'James, you almost cheated on me. You know that, right?'

'Yeah, but I didn't. I knew it was wrong of me to do. I wasn't even thinking clearly. Maya, you are the one I want'

He now stood up and walked over to me. He took the cup out of my hands and placed it in slowly on the table beside us. Then he knelt on both his knees, so our eyes were at the same level now. Then he cupped my hands in his.

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